直接点击下面的按钮“刷新 OAuth 令牌”,奇迹出现了,自动跳转到浏览器打开了 GitHub 登录界面: 赶紧登录吧,登录后: 看到授权成功!再次返回 Sourcetree 界面,看到登录窗上已经显示绿色√,认证成功! 确定,这时可以看到验证窗口中多了一个账户,下面“Git 已存密码”中也添加了一个Git用户,但是两个的验证方式是不同的...
The feature request I mostly use Sourcetree for my projects but I have to use Github Desktop for my current project. In my experience using Sourcetree, when there is a conflict, you could just right click and select to resolve using my v...
You may get a strange error if you use SourceTree, similar to #275 and #189. You can follow the steps here to resolve this. Contributing If you're looking for a place to start, there are issues we need help with! Once you have an idea of what you want to do, there is a sectio...
SourceTree---remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied;remote: You must use a personal access token with,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
上面是对github自动生成空白仓库进行的简单介绍,有了这个空白的仓库之后我们才可以进行后面的操作。 第五步:连接远程仓库 连接远程仓库的方式有很多种,可以使用第三方的GIT管理图形界面工具如sourceTree,也可以使用终端(命令行),或者是XCode。在这里就选择使用XCode来完成该操作。
SourceTree---remote: HTTP Basic: Access denied;remote: You must use a personal access token with with‘api’scopeforGitoverHTTP. 报错信息的意思就是授权失败,你必须使用一个个人授权的token来进行拉取和提交项目,注意:是必须。有的gitlab加个验证码扫码登录时,会出现这个,在拉取项目时必须通过token。解决...
- Go to Sourcetree -> Preferences -> Git- You will have the section "Git Version" with 2 options: Reset to ebedded Git and Use System GitSourcetree use the Ebedded git for default.Click on "Use System Git" and... Fixed!---Follow me on:GIthubTwitter luc...
Even if you create a new repository in GitHub Desktop or Bitbucket's Sourcetree, behind the scenes the process invokes the git init command. What is a Git repository? A Git repository is the heart and soul of Git. Nothing noteworthy happens in Git without a Git repository. Every project ...
Note:Prior to 2021, the first branch created in a Git repository was namedmasterby default. There has since been a push to change the default branch name tomainin order to use more neutral terminology. Although many Git hosting providers such asGithubhave made this change, your local copy ...
2. Yes. I used SSH to connect to GitHub to successfully authenticate to repository via SourceTree. The button 'Save' correctly works when GitHub account is being used 3. You provided a link how to generate SSH key pairs to be used within SourceTree, but the application DOES NOT ALLOW to ...