Skype for BusinessSkype for Business Online由世纪互联运营的 Skype for Business Online 并非一切都可通过电子邮件或即时消息 (IM) 轻松解决。 有时,采用对话形式可以更好更快地解释情况、获得解决方案或做出决策。 从 Skype for Business 中,你可以查看一个或多个联系人是否有空加入呼叫,并可即时开始电话会议。
第一次登录 Skype for Business 在iOS 设备上,轻扫应用的每个页面,直到看到 Skype for Business 图标。 点击Skype for Business 图标可以打开该应用。 输入登录地址(例如,和密码,然后点击“”。 系统可能会要求你同时提供用户名和登录地址。用户名是你用于登录到你所在组织的网络的信息,如user@doma...
Register attend the webinar,Make Meetings Matter, to help you get a better understanding of how to use Skype for Business. A live presenter will walk through scenarios and encourage attendees to ask questions to find out how Office 365 can make them more pr...
由于Skype for Business与 Exchange 密切相关,因此客户端用户的登录行为Skype for Business将受到 Exchange 的新式身份验证状态的影响。 如果你有一个Skype for Business拆分域混合体系结构(其中既Skype for Business Online,又在本地Skype for Business,并且用户都位于这两个位置,则此体系结构也适用。
Applies ToSkype for Business Skype for Business Basic Skype for Business Online You usually need to take notes for a meeting, whether it’s about tracking attendees, remembering what was discussed, or listing action items. If you use OneNote, Skype f...
Using Skype for Business, you can schedule and conduct online meetings that include as many as 250 attendees. Plus, you can call colleagues and send messages to them. The elements included in the Skype for Business UI change based on the communicatio...
Skype for Business Online每次会话登录1无提示 Outlook for Mac每次会话登录1每次会话登录2 1首次出现提示时,可以保存密码以供将来使用。 在更改密码之前,你不会收到另一个提示。 2输入公司凭据。 可以保存密码,在密码更改之前,系统不会再次收到提示。
Skype for Business PowerShell 搜索 概览 参考 SkypeForBusiness SkypeForBusiness Add-CsSlaDelegates Approve-CsDeviceUpdateRule Backup-CsPool Clear-CsDeviceUpdateFile Clear-CsDeviceUpdateLog Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReservation Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom Convert-CsUserData ConvertTo-JsonForPSWS Copy-CsVo...
Skype for Business PowerShell 搜尋 概觀 參考 SkypeForBusiness SkypeForBusiness Add-CsSlaDelegates Approve-CsDeviceUpdateRule Backup-CsPool Clear-CsDeviceUpdateFile Clear-CsDeviceUpdateLog Clear-CsOnlineTelephoneNumberReservation Clear-CsPersistentChatRoom Convert-CsUserData ConvertTo-JsonForPSWS Copy-CsVo...
Are there resources, trainings, or documents that would help you use Skype for Business? Let us point you to existing resources or let us create new helpful how-to's for you. Is there someth...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (9 Replies)Show Parent Replies Frank de...