为了解决这个问题,你可以在 Flask 的 app.run() 方法中设置 debug=True 和use_reloader=False,如下所示: from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) # 使用调试模式,但禁用自动重新加载 app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=False) 然后,你可以使用外部工具(如 watch 或python -m livereload)来监视文...
@APP.route('/test')deftest(): session.permanent=True _str=''if'name'insession: _str= session['name']if'nick'insession: _str+='---'+ session['nick']#print sessionreturn_strdefrunWeb():print("start webapp") APP.run(host='', port= 5000, debug=True, threaded=True)defrunR...
@click.option('--watchfiles', is_flag=True, help='Run celery inside watchfiles auto-reloader') @click.pass_context def celery(ctx, watchman=False, watchfiles=False): def celery(ctx, watchfiles=False): """Manage the Celery task daemon.""" from indico.core.celery.cli import celery_cmd...
The first thing it does is start the main function in a new thread so it can monitor >the source files and restart the thread when they change. 如果你想要避免加载两次,应该设置app.run(debug=True, use_reloader=False)
问强制代码/数据库使用异步use而不是psycopg2ENKafka 和 RabbitMQ 都是流行的开源消息系统,它们可以在...
app.run(host='', debug=True) The Dockerfile contains two stages: FROM python:2.7-slim AS build ADD . /app WORKDIR /app RUN pip install --upgrade pip RUN pip install -r ./requirements.txt FROM gcr.io/distroless/python2.7
socketio.run(app, use_reloader=False, debug=True, log_output=True) project.ini: [uwsgi] module = wsgi:app master = true gevent = 1024 gevent-monkey-patch = true buffer-size=32768 # optionally socket = /home/sammy/projectnew/projectnew.sock ...
(myprojectenv) [root@pga bin]# python manage.py runserver changeswithStatReloader Performing system checks... System check identified no issues (0silenced). December09,2019-23:53:09Django version3.0, using settings'myproject.settings'Starting development server at http...
nothreading use single threaded threading: # ThreadingMixIn.daemon_threads indicates how threads will behave on an # abrupt shutdown; like quitting the server by the user or restarting # by the auto-reloader. True means the server will not wait for thread...
Watching for file changes with StatReloader Performing system checks... System check identified no issues (0 silenced). August 02, 2023 - 21:17:40 Django version 4.2.2, using settings 'django_chatbot.settings' Starting development ...