In this guide, we'll explain how to use Prettier with ESLint, delegating the responsibility of code convention definition to ESLint, and the responsibility of formatting to Prettier.
it is an ES lint... He does not care about the indentation of the template part in the Vue file, so if the requirement is for the collaboration of vsc and jb, eslint alone is not enough. The template part Rely on prettier to unify. If you use vsc, there is no big problem in ...
ESLint、Prettier、VueUse 从入门到应用实践 TIP 本章我们一起来学习 ESLint 代码检查工具、Prettier 代码格式化工具、VueUse(基于 Vue 组合式 API 的实用函数集合)工具。# 一、ESLintTIP 当我们在进行团队协作开发项目时,每个人的代码习惯和理解的差异会导致团队中出现各种各样规范的代码。如:有的人认为语句后应...
Summary Problem On the page the install uses just "eslint". ESLint has now officially moved to Version 9.0.0 eslint-config-universe is not compatible with eslint 9.0.0 because of https://eslint...
但是对于一个多人协作的大型前端项目,我们需要的是一个统一的可维护的开发环境。这就是我们为什么需要 ESLint、Prettier 的原因。这也是目前前端最主流最全面的代码规范方案。 前端开发的小伙伴一定听说过 ESLint,甚至可以说是天天用。但是几乎都是使用的被各种 CLI 集成好的,于是你可能会有一下问题:...
I haven't been using prettier before, so I would consider this a bug - using eslint-plugin, I would expect to get either no "stylistic" linting or linting in accordance with WPCS. To reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: The exact build environment and result can be seen athttps:...
在最后介绍了异步加载的优势。 什么是AJAX AJAX是四个单词的简写,其中Asynchronous即异步的意思,异步的链接可以同时发起多个,并且不会阻止JS代码执行。与之对应的概念是同步,同步的链接在同一时刻只会有一个,并且会阻止后续JS代码的执行,JS必须等待同步链接加载完毕后才能继续执行 ...
.eslintrc.cjs first init 1年前 .gitignore chore: electron-log 1年前 .npmrc build: 优化打包 1年前 .prettierrc.json first init 1年前 .yarnrc first init 1年前 LICENSE add LICENSE. 1年前 update readme 6个月前 electron-builder-config.js build:...
TypeScript Vue Plugin(Volar) Vue Language Features(Volar) Eslint Stylelint Prettier - Code formatter EditorConfig for VS Code UnoCss 开发环境编译运行 开发时建议将 vite.config.ts 中 dts: './typing/auto.import.d.ts',、dts: './typing/auto.components.d.ts' 放开(取消注释) 以及将 eslintrc...
I initially created part 1 and part 2 of this blog just to share the easiness of the Mendelson AS2 software. Now, it seems to be that some people struggled with the setup of certificates and the signing mechanism in SAP PI/PO and the Mendelson (or other) AS2 software. In this blog I...