xtpoisson — Fixed-effects, random-effects, and population-averaged Poisson models 7 pa requests the population-averaged estimator. exposure(varname), offset(varname); see [R] Estimation options. £ £ Correlation corr(correlation) specifies the within-panel correlation structure; ...
63, and favours early reproductive maturity and fast reproduction as organisms can reproduce before disturbance, and population numbers can recover quickly afterwards. In addition, dispersal ability was greater in the fast communities of high land-use intensity (dispersal ability of ...
Notwithstanding popular perception, the environmental impacts of organic agriculture, particularly with respect to pesticide use, are not well established. Fueling the impasse is the general lack of data on comparable organic and conventional agricultura
Bowhead whales (Baelena mysticetus) of the Bering–Chukchi–Beaufort (BCB) population occupy seasonally ice covered waters of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas (Moore and Reeves, 1993). Whales in this population typically winter in the Bering Sea, over the continental shelf and north of ...
Also see [XT] xtgls postestimation — Postestimation tools for xtgls [XT] xtset — Declare data to be panel data [XT] xtpcse — Linear regression with panel-corrected standard errors [XT] xtreg — Fixed-, between-, and random-effects and population-averaged linear models [XT] xtregar — ...
Trend analysis were performed using the Theil-Sen estimator (Sen1968) which calculates the slopes of all lines between each pair of points. Subsequently, the median of all computed slopes is utilized for the line-fitting process. This method is highly robust and has greater resilience against out...
Cognitive biases, such as the anchoring bias, pose a serious challenge to rational accounts of human cognition. We investigate whether rational theories can meet this challenge by taking into account the mind’s bounded cognitive resources. We asked what reasoning under uncertainty would look like if...
Typically, the constant would have to be selected to be acceptable over the manufacturing population and over time, temperature and supply voltage variations. Unfortunately, this would result in potentially fast drives from being operated at their maximum potential. The present algorithm measures the ...
SSIM(x, y) was obtained for all (w, h) and was averaged over the circular area where the natural images are located. The average of SSIM(x, y) was called simply the “SSIM index” for each pair of target and distractor images in this paper (Fig. 2b). One distractor was the same...
The annual maxima of daily precipitation (mm) averaged for the urban and rural stations in each region during the 54-year period (I) and two multi-decadal periods (II and III) are also listed. RegionDominant soil typessubsetNumber of stationsI (mm)II (mm)III (mm)Mean PopulationMean ...