useState(null); let ref = React.useRef(null); let { dropProps, isDropTarget } = useDrop({ ref, getDropOperation(types, allowedOperations) { return types.has('image/png') ? 'copy' : 'cancel'; }, async onDrop(e) { let item = e.items.find((item) => item.kind === 'file' ...
react-native.config.js feat(deps,rn) update React Native to version 0.69.9 (#13241) May 17, 2023 readme-img1.png feat(doc) revamp README Sep 9, 2021 title.html fix(favicon) make favicon visible in dark-themed browser Nov 25, 2023 tsconfig.native.json feat(analytics) drop defunct Goog...
React Native 文档查看组件:react-native-doc-viewer,可以在手机上直接打开文档,支持远程和本地文档。...支持的文档格式:xls,ppt,doc,xlsx,pptx,docx,png,jpg,pdf,mp4。支持iOS和Android。...安装方法 npm install react-native-doc-viewer --save react-native link react-native-doc-viewer API说明 openDoc....
这不,React 官方来帮我助阵了?React 官方为啥出 useEvent?就是发现以前要求的依赖写法,实在有太大问题,不加一个新的 API,官方示例都没法写了 。 image.png 以前一直觉得 React Hooks 教程,包括 Dan 写的 useEffect 教程,都只是写了基础场景,对于稍微复杂点的场景,都避而不谈。因为这些复杂场景,在之前的规则...
Hello! @ozzyonfire Thanks for the insights on how to use react on shopify extensions. I've installed an image editor library on the extension, do you have idea why this error occurs ? Thanks! Trying to add a sticker (.png) from my s3 bucket. 0 Report Reply I...
npx create-react-app svg-demo Shell Next, run the following command in your terminal to start the application on your local server: npmstart Shell Let’s add a sample SVG element to theAppcomponent in the/src/App.jsfile as shown below: ...
npm install react-viewer --save 2、组件:ImgViewer/index.tsx import React, { useState, useImperativeHandle } from 'react' import Viewer from 'react-viewer' interface ImgViewerProps { imgViewerRef: object downloadable?: boolean } const ImgViewer: React.FC<ImgViewerProps> = (props: any) =>...
我想用比如: const win = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, } const App = () => { const image = useImage('') return ( <Stage width={win.width} height={win.height}> ...
import{useImageDimensions}from'@react-native-community/hooks'constsource=require('./assets/yourImage.png')// orconstsource={uri:'https://your.image.URI'}const{dimensions,loading,error}=useImageDimensions(source)if(loading||error||!dimensions){returnnull}const{width,height,aspectRatio}=dimensions ...