"November Rain" "November Rain" embodies the space between the ambitious and far-reachingIllusionsets and the raw attack ofAppetite for Destruction. Rose had workshopped the song for years, telling former bandmate Tracii Guns in 1983, "someday this song is gonna be really cool." The nine-m...
"November Rain" embodies the space between the ambitious and far-reachingIllusionsets and the raw attack ofAppetite for Destruction. Rose had workshopped the song for years, telling former bandmate Tracii Guns in 1983, "someday this song is gonna be really cool." The nine-minute epic boasted...
”Sun recalled.“At the age of 14, I was employed as an office boy in my mother's factory.” Once he was hurt by sulfuric acid (硫酸), but he showed no sign of pain, because he did not want to worry his mother. Having tasted various hardships, Sun learned how to find happiness ...
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