此外,由于插件会生成运行时依赖,将临时文件所在目录.vite-plugin-react-use-model加入到.gitignore中即可。 使用 约定在src/models目录下的文件为项目定义的 model 文件。每个文件需要默认导出一个 function,该 function 定义了一个 Hook。 文件名则对应最终 model 的 name,你可以通过插件提供的 API 来消费 model ...
Vite + Vue 3 Nuxt 3 + Vue 3 Webpack + Vue 3 CDN It will be exposed to global aswindow.VueUse 🪴 Project Activity 🧱 Contribute See theContributing Guide 🌸 Thanks This project is heavily inspired by the following awesome projects....
Monaco editor wrapper for easy/one-line integration with any React application without needing to use webpack (or any other module bundler) configuration files / plugins. It can be used with apps generated by create-react-app, create-snowpack-app, vite, Next.js or any other app generators -...
【react】useImmer 报错 Cannot assign to read only property '_status' of object '#<Object>' 在使用antd中的锚点组件时,我尝试将jsx存入useImmer 状态里,结果报错 Cannot assign to read only property '_status' of object '#<Object>'; 解决方式:useImmer中存入组件的 id 或者 其他什么数据,再通过id或...
Learn how to get started with the ASP.NET Core Single Page Application (SPA) project template for React and Create React App (CRA).
It looks like you are using Vite to compile and bundle your react project. I don't have a ton of experience with Vite, but I will try to help... React needs a div element to hook into so that it can inject the react app into the DOM. I'm assuming your vit...
Step 1: Create a React App with Vite First, scaffold a React app using the popular build tool Vite. Run npm create vite@latest from your terminal and answer a few prompts. Give your project a name like my-map-app, choose React from the list of frameworks, then choose Javascript fro...
Learn how to get started with the ASP.NET Core Single Page Application (SPA) project template for React and Create React App (CRA).
Integrate with the latest frontend framework command-line tooling, such as Vite. Templates for both JavaScript & TypeScript (only TypeScript for Angular). Rich JavaScript and TypeScript code editing experience. Integrate JavaScript build tools with the .NET build. npm dependency management UI. Compat...
This benchmark shows that Vite does not always win against Webpack, on a large IBM Carbon 250 comps Storybook What the useEvent React hook is (and isn't): opinion of a Solid contributor Getting started with Markdoc in Next.js: Stripe just open-sourced their doc tool Markdoc React key ...