oc调用swift Use of undeclared identifier oc调用mac串口,网上对于mac的资料相对于windows和linux来比杯水车薪,博主在大学是从单片机学到了linux的应用开发,刚刚工作,主要方向是mac系统上的应用开发。博主是菜鸡一枚,但是愿意分享我写的代码,有大神来交流我很是欢迎
NSInteger tag = [(id)sender tag]; if(tag != KplayerTag){ NSLog(@"nameButtonSelected but tag != 400"); } nameButtonSelected.enabled = NO; <<< Use of undeclared identifier 'nameButtonSelected [self generateMoveAlternatives]; [self logMovesAvailable]; [self showAllowableMoves]; } Boost ...
// A nil action identifier indicates the default action. // You should call the completion handler as soon as you've finished handling // the action. - (void)application:(UIApplication*)applicationhandleActionWithIdentifier:(NSString*)identifierforRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary*)userInfocompletionHand...
@interface Test : NSObject @end @implementation Test - (void)myMethodArg1:(NSInteger)arg1 arg2:(NSInteger)arg2 { NSLog(@"%zd", arg1); NSLog(@"%zd", arg2); } @end static void callTestObj(Test * testObj) { [testObj myMethodArg1:42 arg2:666]; } static void callPrintf(void) {...
I tried to use emscripten_GetProcAddress in my C code directly (included emscripten.h to make sure it's declared) but I get sdlmain.cpp:2002:50: error: use of undeclared identifier 'emscripten_GetProcAddress' That should just work, so you may be hitting a bug. WithEMCC_DEBUG=1in the en...
}else{return0; } But in result I've got: fatal error: use of undeclared identifier 'value' Is this possible? You can not use different types for a variable in runtime. The type is determined at compile time. So, the first option works, but the second won't work. ...
How to make a window always appear on top of other windows? How to make combobox readonly in mfc How to make controls invisible in VC++? How to make edit box to only accept Integer and float values in mfc How to make icon of the .exe file change in VC++? How to make the static...
The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int) Related 0 Use of undeclared identifier in function 2 math.h compilation error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '(' 0 C error expected identifier 0 Undeclared variable in function 4 error...
严格模式,取消了ES3对NumericLiteral非终结符产生式的OctalIntegerLiteral扩展.也就是说,取消了八进制的数字直接量(也就是说011是非法的). 严格模式的eval调用的相关限制. 严格模式下,eval代码中的变量初始化..其外部不再可访问,也就是说eval有了一个独立的变量环境(参考ES3的variable object). ...
Error:ActionView::Template::Error (PG::Error: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer ... Problem:comparting integer values (in queries) to a text column (notes.noteable_id) Solution:described inhttps://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/issues/1957#issuecomment-10213437 ...