In the 1990s and 2000s, brochures and encyclopedias on the use of culti- vated plants from home gardens for medicinal purposes gained in popularity, for instance ([11, 12], etc). During ethnobotanical and ethnomedicinal fieldwork conducted in the Liubań (Любань) district of Belarus...
The regulatory definition of this will follow, but a literalinterpretation is easily justified by considering the dateswhen some of these compounds were first isolated ordeveloped. For example, menthol and camphor have beenwidely used for flavouring and medicinal purposes for cen-turies [1,... ...
Answer:Allaredrugswitha‘well-establisheduse’(WEU). Theregulatorydefinitionofthiswillfollow,butaliteral interpretationiseasilyjustifiedbyconsideringthedates whensomeofthesecompoundswerefirstisolatedor developed.Forexample,mentholandcamphorhavebeen widelyusedforflavouringandmedicinalpurposesforcen- turies[1,2],but...
In the same way, the pine resin had an effect on the control of A. flavus development. This information agrees with that reported by Schultz [29]. The author evaluated the antimicrobial activity of Pinus occidentalis resin derivatives from a colophony resinous extract and turpentine essential oil...
Because of their known antiseptic, bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal, medicinal and aromatic properties, they are used in the food industry and pharmacy to increase shelf life. They are also used as antibacterial, analgesic, sedative, anti- inflammatory, spasmolytic substances and local anaesthetics ...