This article attempts to review the known major problems arising with aviation fuels under these conditions of severity, and to indicate a number of practicable solutions.doi:10.1108/eb033695E.M. GoodgerAircraft Engineering & Aerospace Technology...
Decarbonizing aviation requires, among other strategies, use of low-carbon liquid fuels, since electrified propulsion of large aircraft is not yet viable. However, commercialization of such ‘sustainable aviation fuels’ is lagging due to uncertainty abo
A full quarter of the sample with HWB uses less than half the average EF, between 50 and 100 GJ/ae. However, this is still more than what is modelled as sustainable in scenarios such as Low Energy Demand or Decent Standards of Living (Millward-Hopkins et al., 2020; Rao et al., ...
The paper presents the current trends in the use of alternative fuels in aviation and the problems connected with the introduction of hydrocarbon biocomponents. It is pointed to the need to take research and implementation works in the field of the subject, also in Poland....
This, yet again, is where technology and communication come in. While we join forces with like-minded stakeholders across the supply chain to drive the demand for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and sustainable marine fuels (SMF), we’re leveraging myDHLi to enable customers to achieve carbon...
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are expected to play an essential role in achieving the aviation industries' goal of carbon-neutral growth. However, producing biomass-based SAFs may induce changes in global land use and the associated carbon stock. The induced land use change (ILUC) emissions,...
Turning CO2into a feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) could help achieve "a double dividend" compared to just storing that CO2underground, said Jonathan Foley, executive director of the nonprofit Project Drawdown. He emphasized that, even then,carbon captureshould still only be applied at...
The use of automated, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) to deliver commercial packages is poised to become a new industry, significantly shifting energy use in the freight sector. Here we find the current practical range of multi-copters to be about 4 km with current battery technology, requi...
Recyclable metal fuels for clean and compact zero-carbon power 2018, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Citation Excerpt : Direct combustion of metals with air naturally achieves the maximum possible energy density of any metal-air battery, while avoiding the issues associated with metal-air ...
Although some gaps are still to be filled in RED II, it is worth noting that fuels derived from waste are expected to play a major role in the European global agenda for the first time [2], also leading to potential side streams of chemical energy bearing liquids, which show some ...