A sqlcmd startup script is executed when sqlcmd is started. The following example sets the environment variable SQLCMDINI. This is the contents of init.sql.SQL Copy SET NOCOUNT ON GO DECLARE @nt_username nvarchar(128) SET @nt_username = (SELECT rtrim(convert(nvarchar(128), nt_...
SET NOCOUNT OFF; END Open Visual Studio 2008 and create a new project. Drag and drop Data Flow Task from Control Flow Items. Right-click on connection managers to create a new OLE DB connection. If the connection is successfully created then the following screen will display: R...
OBJECT_ID('dbo.ContactEmailAddress', 'P') IS NOT NULLDROPPROCEDUREdbo.ContactEmailAddress; GOCREATEPROCEDUREdbo.ContactEmailAddress ( @FirstNameNVARCHAR(50), @LastNameNVARCHAR(50) )ASSETNOCOUNTON;SELECTEmailAddressFROMPerson.PersonWHEREFirstName = @FirstNameANDLastName = @LastName;SETNOCOUNTOFF; ...
SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_temp] AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT * from dbo.temp; END The output will be as below. Store procedure creation Old method: Prior to SQL Server using drop if exits on database objects Using the DROP IF EXI...
'P') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE dbo.ContactEmailAddress; GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.ContactEmailAddress ( @FirstName NVARCHAR(50), @LastName NVARCHAR(50) ) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT EmailAddress FROM Person.Person WHERE FirstName = @FirstName AND LastName = @LastName; SET NOCOUNT OFF; GO ...
You won't get the output of the ERROR_* functions.In SQL pool the code needs to be slightly altered:SQL Copy SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @xact_state smallint = 0; BEGIN TRAN BEGIN TRY DECLARE @i INT; SET @i = CONVERT(INT,'ABC'); END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @xact_state ...
set nocount on declare @i int set @i = 0 begin tran while @i < 100000 begin declare @ch nvarchar(max) = cast(@i as nvarchar(max)) insert into t (c1, c2) values (@ch, 'test') set @i += 1 end commit tran go set statistics profile on ...
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @ORDERBY NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE@sqlNVARCHAR(MAX) =N' SELECT Employee.EmpID, Employee.EmpName, Employee.EmpDOB FROM Employee ' IF @sortkeya = 'EmpDOB' AND @sortkeyaorder = 'ASC' SET @ORDERBY = N' ORDER BY Employee.EmpDOB ASC' ...
I am playing with some data I have and working on restricting it as small as possible. I just discovered something that didn't occurr to me but it might have to some. Taking the started US Postal zip code nnnnn-nnnn (where n = a number) what is the datatype (or combination of more...
SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE@SQLStringnvarchar(500); set@SQLString= N'SELECT count(*) FROM '+@tableName+ ' WHERE charged > 50'; EXECUTE sp_executesql@SQLString END Then you call your procedure like this: exec procName@TableName= 'YourTableNameHere' ...