In the era of medical intelligence, there are still few studies focusing on medical service robots from a user experience perspective. Guided by the model of artificial intelligence (AI) device use acceptance (AIDUA), this article develops a theoretical
View LargeDownload Demographic Predictors of Treatment Adequacy Among People With a 12-Month DSM-IV/WMH CIDI Disorder Who Received Treatment in Each Service Sector* 1. US Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, Md National Institute of ...
Socioeconomic inequalities in the population influence access to health services and constitute a challenge for health systems, especially in low- and middle-income countries. In Peru, an increase in the use of medical services has been estimated; howeve
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association JamiaSafran C; Bloomrosen M; Hammond WE;.Toward a National Framework for the Secondary Use of Health Data: an American medical informatics association white paper.J Am Med Inform Assoc.2007.1-9...
For the first knowledge gap, extant research on resource use in the last months of life has focused predominantly on secondary healthcare services provided at hospitals; data on the use of primary healthcare (i.e., general practitioners (GPs), emergency primary healthcare) and home- and commun...
Previous research has thus far been descriptive and focused on contraceptive prevalence and use of different methods, frequently drawing comparisons to majority populations [16,18,19,20]. Prior reviews have shed light on migrant women’s access to healthcare including SRH in specific geographic contex...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic catalysed the rapid uptake of telemedicine as a vital tool for physicians to provide healthcare services to patients. However, despite the potential advantages of telemedicine, there remains a paucity of research examining physicians’ attitudes and utilisation pat...
fully 30 years after the important Law of the Sea Conventions abolished the earlier open access structure to coastal resources. But while there have been differences in rates of progression, there has also been a discernible pattern observed in the evolution of fisheries management institutions, from...
There is an observable scarcity of comprehensive research results comparing the environmental damage associated with both the production of windows and their subsequent operation. The environmental impact of the operation of windows depends on their ther
With a growing body of research associating livestock agriculture with faster global warming, higher health costs and greater land requirements, a drastic shift towards plant-based diets is often suggested as an effective all-round solution. Implicitly, this argument is predicated on the assumption tha...