They had to, among other things, fight simultaneously against this pandemic, treat the affected people, preserve the rest of the population, while continuing to take care of the other patients. Faced with this situation, the development of the use of ICT in health establ...
Healthcare as currently practiced and supported is increasingly unaffordable and incapable of dealing with emerging population dynamics in virtually every country in the world. Sustained behaviour change, within which ICT will likely play a prominent role, is required to meet the needs of the future....
The event, which takes place in the Norwegian town of Tromsø on May 23 and 24, 2005, is part of the eHealth action plan, a policy priority in the Commission’s programme to promote Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Europe. Speakers include health professionals, computer ...
Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) which enable people to access, use and promote health information through digital technology, promise important health systems innovations which can challenge gatekeepers’ control of information, throug
The event, which takes place in the Norwegian town of Tromsø on May 23 and 24, 2005, is part of the eHealth action plan, a policy priority in the Commission’s programme to promote Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Europe. Speakers include health professionals, computer ...
HUIS IN 'T VELD 摘要: This report describes the possibilities of information and communication technology in healthcare. Attention is paid of how ICT can support the communication between health care professionals mutually as well as the communication between professionals and patients. Besides this ...
This research explores the availability, accessibility and the extent of ICT usage by health professionals in Ilorin metropolis. Data was collected using a sample size of 174 health service providers in 34 public and private hospitals by means of a structured questionnaire. Findings from this study ...
ICT in Healthcare The significance of attitudes towards evidence-based practice in information technology use in the health sector: an empirical investigation Christos D. Melas, Leonidas A. Zampetakis, Anastasia Dimopoulou & Vassilis S. Moustakis Pages 1248-1260 | Received 07 Mar 2012, Accepte...
With the recognition of the need for research capacity strengthening for advancing health and development, this research capacity article explores the use of technology enhanced learning in the delivery of a collaborative postgraduate blended Master’s d
Therefore, this study explores the answer to the question: How can the government information services provided to citizens through ICT better facilitate citizens being active participants and faithful stakeholders in public health governance, rather than just passive observers? As part of ICT application...