"prepare-commit-msg": "exec < /dev/tty && git cz --hook || true", "commit-msg": "commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS" } }, // 修改后 "husky": { "hooks": {} }, 保存,再次进行提交,成功! ——— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「西了个瓜瓜皮」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请...
The reason for wanting to run the git command before making the checkout is exactly the same reason as the linked GitHub issue for the Azure pipelines. ADO does not allow for configuration ofcore.autocrlfduring the checkout step. For windows agents, this is defaulting totruewhich resul...
To start working on the initialized repository, move toward the repository by running the “cd” command: cdtestRepo Check Status To view the status of the Git local working repository, run the “git status” command: git status The below-stated output indicates that the working area is clean...
changed title from Suggest to use git checkout -B in "Check out branch" instructions: to Suggest to use git checkout -B in "Check out branch" instructions 2 years ago Peter Leitzen added 1 commit 2 years ago 2b54a5c5 - Suggest to use `git checkout -B` in "Check out branch" ...
Having several branches of a Git project provides atest environmentfor developers to track progress without affecting the production version of an application. Git allows you toswitch between brancheswith thecheckoutcommand. The syntax is: git checkout [branch_name] ...
1,266 Commits .github build cmd/cheat configs doc internal mocks scripts vendor .gitignore CONTRIBUTING.md Dockerfile HACKING.md INSTALLING.md LICENSE.txt Makefile README.md go.mod go.sum README MIT license cheat cheatallows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. ...
If the self-repository is named CurrentRepo, the script command produces the following output: CurrentRepo MyAzureReposGitRepo MyBitBucketRepo MyGitHubRepo.In this example, the repositories' names are used for the folders because no path is specified in the checkout step....
The rebase command is used on the branch you would like to rebase on.Console Copy git checkout feature-24 git rebase main Branching can be dangerous, certainly if you're working in a team and you're doing a rebase on a remote branch. By doing this you're rewriting history. Maybe a...
To use the “gitk” command in Git, try out the below-stated steps: Navigate to the local Git directory. Execute the “gitk” command to visualize the commit history. First, go toward the local Git directory using the “cd” command: ...
git add /v2 to the module name to resolve the module path problem Apr 17, 2020 github chore: use sort.Strings(...) instead of sort.Sort(sort.StringSlice(...)) Jun 17, 2023 internal/assert Add internal/assert package Apr 3, 2020 ...