Use of English Part 2 For questions 1-8 , read the text below and thinkof the word which bestfits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at thebeginning (0). The Best Books Are there 1, 000 books thatallof us should read sometime in(0)our lives? Through...
Use of English: PART 2 开放式完形填空/open cloze,重点考察对语法的掌握。 PART 3 构词/word formation,重点考察词汇,特别是词缀的使用、内部变化和复合构词法 PART 4 关键词转换/key word transformation,重点考察语法、词汇、搭配的灵活转换。 侧重考察词汇、语法功底,如所掌握的广度、深度、准确度和灵活度,测...
Use of English Part 2 For questions 1-8 , read the text below and thinkof the word which best fits each gap.Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning(0). Weather in Antarctica The most extreme weather conditions experienced in Antarctica are associated(0)with...
This free Cambridge English First (FCE) Reading & Use of English Practice Test helps with the grammar and structure points that you need to master for the B2 First (FCE).Click in the gaps and type one word in each gap.The Goulburn ValleyThe Goulburn Valley is situated in the south-east...
在FCE考试中,use of English和reading同在一张试卷上,但分开评分。Use of English由试卷的Part 2,3,4组成。 来自剑桥官方文件 use of English主要考查的是词汇和语法(vocabulary & grammar),具体内容为: 从上面的考查内容不难发现,...
【题目】Reading and Use of English . Part 2For quesions 9 - 16readthe ext blow and thinkofthe word whch besft each gap. Use olyone word in each gap. There s an example atthe beginning (0).Wrte your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.Example:CamelsThe mos sinc...
在FCE考试中,use of English和reading同在一张试卷上,但分开评分。Use of English由试卷的Part 2,3,4组成。 来自剑桥官方文件: use of English主要考查的是词汇和语法(vocabulary & grammar),具体内容为: 1、Idioms, phrases and collocations 习语、短语和固定搭配 ...
5091 Reading by:1521336ljof 8.4万 Reading by:Rejoice_lrj 700 Reading by:李英瑞 4.7万 reading by:朱婧语 1092 reading by:孩子王Coco 1035 2022.10.2reading by:途正英语Sally 650 Reading4 by:香自心生 14.3万 READING EXPLORER by:Wendy的音频 ...
Reading and Use of English · Part 2For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet.Example: 0 IT5...
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