The influence of local policy on contraceptive provision and use in three locales in the Philippines. Reprod Health Matters. 2009;17(34):99-107.Lee, Romero B.; Lourdes P. Nacionales; and Luis Pedroso (2009). The Influence of Local Policy on Contraceptive Provision and Use in three Locales...
The Philippines failed to achieve its Millennium Development Goal (MDG) commitment to reduce maternal deaths by three quarters. This, together with the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reinforces the need for the country to keep up in improving reach of maternal and child hea...
Long-term Oral Contraceptive Use and the Risk of Breast Cancer Using oral contraceptives for long periods or using them when one has other risk factors has been hypothesized to increase the risk of breast cancer. To study these issues, we analyzed data from a multicenter, case-control investigat...
The conflicting findings of these studies could be due to the different stage in the decision-process on which they focus. Specifically, Ashraf et al. (2014) gave direct access to free contraceptives and randomized the husband’s involvement in the decision to take up the offer of contraceptives...
内容提示: 33Contraceptive UseContraceptive Use and FertilityContraceptive use is a second keyproximate determinant of adoles-cent fertility, though accumulatedevidence indicates that the use offamily planning by women in thisage group is less important a deter-minant of their fertility than age atentr...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...
Also, another work [6] in Kenya also found that access to media messages affected ever use of contraceptives, current use, intention to use contraceptives and desire for future births. In addition, several studies have focused on how mass media campaigns on family planning have led to ...
Health and Community Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden Context: The persistent low contraceptive use and high fertility in Nigeria despite improvements in educational achievements calls for an examination of the role of factors, which may moder- ate the use of modern contraception....
More than 80% of the respondents had experience of using condoms with clients. However, only 48% of them used consistently. Six factors, level of education, knowledge of condom application, knowledge of condom effectiveness for preventing AIDS, knowledge of AIDS, use of other contraceptives, and...
An interagency team collaborated to introduce the diaphragm in Colombia, the Philippines, and Turkey, using the same protocol to assess the acceptability, service delivery requirements and use-effectiveness of the method. Eighteen public and private sector service delivery sites were involved and a ...