Do apostrophes go after the period? What is an apostrophe? When to use '&' (ampersand)? When not to use commas When to use a comma When to use a colon instead of a semicolon Do you use an apostrophe for plural acronyms? Do you put an s after apostrophe z?
When a subject is owned or belongs to a number of people, use an apostrophe after the s in the word. For example: ‘Samantha borrowed the boys’ football.’ In the above example, you can see that the ball belonged to more than one boy, as indicated by the apostrophe after the s. I...
Related How to Use an Apostrophe Worksheet Using an apostrophe to word ending in "s" can be tricky. Using an apostrophe after the "s" at the end of a word usually occurs when trying to add possession to a noun. Adding another "s" after the apostrophe can look awkward if the word ...
A contraction is a shortened version of a word or group of words: Some letters are omitted and replaced by an apostrophe (it is →it’s). Contractions can also be used to convey a style of speech where someone omits a sound when speaking (“Youtalkin’to me?”). Contractions make your...
Related How to Use an Apostrophe Worksheet Using an apostrophe to word ending in "s" can be tricky. Using an apostrophe after the "s" at the end of a word usually occurs when trying to add possession to a noun. Adding another "s" after the apostrophe can look awkward if the word ...
Apostrophe After S For plural nouns, we simply add anapostrophe after sexcept for those few pluralnounsthat do not end ins. Examples: Boys’ball Babies’shoes Lemons’acidity Owls’eyes Students’bag Twogirls’dresses Example sentences:
“s”. When somebody’s name ends with an “s” it is right to use an apostrophe without adding an “s” to show possession. For example, “Justus’ shoes.” It is also correct to add an “s” after the apostrophe. For example, “Francis’s car.” Whichever you choose to use ...
When the thing doing the possessing already ends with an “s”, then put the apostrophe after the existing “s”: Correct: Legolas’ bow got a good workout in Lord of the Rings. Correct: Frodo soon grew tired of the elves’ lembas bread. But don’t add an apostrophe for possessive pr...
Regular plural nouns already add ansto show they’re plural. To make these possessive, you just add an apostrophe after thesat the end of the word; there’s no need to add anothers. Do:students’ demands Do:players’ lockers Don’t:students’s demands ...
Apostrophes are how we indicate in writing that something belongs to someone or something else. For example, if we were writing about a car owned by Nigel we would add an apostrophe and an “s” like this: After breaking down on the freeway, Nigel’s car needed extensive repairs. ...