It has been revealed that theNintendo Switch Litewill make use of ACCESS' NetFront Browser NX to handle its online needs, continuing a partnership between Nintendo and ACCESS which has been going strong for almost a decade. According to a press release announcing the partnership, the brows...
Nintendo, deliberately sacrificed good controls on the Switch, just to have a more narrow width console. A bit more width in the Switch, and you could’ve had a typical gamepad set up for the switch face controls. I recognise this before I even played the switch and having a switch since...
Life is Colorful! Monster Boy 1.0.5 Patch releases today and you can set the Game UI/HUD to the color of your Nintendo Switch Lite console!😍#MonsterBoyGame#NintendoSwitchSupported colors: Yellow, Turquoise, Red, Pink, Grey and Green! Feature also works on the original Switch...
The Nintendo Switch Lite works with the Pro Controller, external Joy-Cons, and the Poké Ball Plus controller. However, only certain games work well with the Poké Ball Plus.
they mentioned that people buying the Switch would have done soanywaybecause it's Nintendo and many people use it exclusively docked as it just happens to be a handheld (although, there is the newer handheld-only Lite). On the other hand, people would have been far less li...
they mentioned that people buying the Switch would have done soanywaybecause it's Nintendo and many people use it exclusively docked as it just happens to be a handheld (although, there is the newer handheld-only Lite). On the other hand, people would have been far less li...