错误描述: root@cef54a23d0c1:/home/xxx/LightSpeech# conda activate lightspeech CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. To initialize your shell, run $ conda init <SHELL_NAME> Currently supported shells are: - bash - fish - tcsh - xonsh -...
Depending on your Linux system, theatcommand may not be pre-installed. Check ifatis installed by entering the command name in the terminal: at If the utility isn't pre-installed, the output message statesCommand 'at' not found. Follow the steps below to installatonUbuntu or Debian: 1. Up...
mysql> START SLAVE; You can use the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement to confirm that an encrypted connection was established successfully. Requiring encrypted connections on the replica does not ensure that the source requires encrypted connections from replicas. If you want to ensure that the source on...
Description:mysqlfrm cannot be used with the '--server=client' option, which should refer to a login-path named client. Here is the login-path: # mysql_config_editor print --all [client] user = root password = *** host = localhost socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Here is the...
also the cloud i'm using is on linux, so it has better compatibility with mysql than ms sqlby the way i have found a solution to the issue in github,appearently you cannot execute more than one data reader on a single connection at a time (MySQL does not support MARS)....
I am a MySQL rookie and I need to backup all databases. I was thinking of using mysqldump.exe. It warns that using a password on the command line is insecure. Found the config editor and set this up: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\bin> ...
...A The slave thread is waitings for another event to finish in another slave thread /etc/my.cnf C MySQL 1.2K20 Avoiding UpdateData(ZZ) In fact, it is dangerous to use it. It is simply the wrong way to go about it...The correct way, I have found, is to use control variables...
UseProcedureBodies option. This broke any application for which the application's parameter names did not match the parameter names in the Stored Procedure, resulting in an ArgumentException with the message “Parameter 'foo' not found in the collection.” and the following stack trace: MySql....
Runningfsckinrescue moderequires a few more steps. First, prepare your system forreboot. Stop any critical services likeMySQL/MariaDBetc and then type. # reboot During the boot, hold down theshiftkey so that the grub menu is shown. Select “Advanced options”. ...
Fail2ban needs to know what is considered normal server activity and what is not considered normal activity. For example, to exclude activity cron from running on your server or to exclude MySQL, you can configure ignoreregex to filter logs generated by these two programs:...