Prosody score: Assesses the use of appropriate intonation, rhythm, and stress. Several more error types related to prosody assessment are introduced, such as Unexpected break, Missing break, and Monotone. These error types provide more detailed information about pronunciation errors compared to the pr...
badly pronounced, improperly inserted with a break, missing a break at punctuation, or monotonically rising, falling, or flat on the utterance, compared to ReferenceText. Possible values areNone(meaning no error on this word),Omission,Insertion,Mispronunciation,UnexpectedBre...
It also indicates whether a pronunciation is monotonically rising, falling, or flat on the utterance. Possible values are None for no error on this word, Mispronunciation, UnexpectedBreak, MissingBreak, and Monotone. Word levelThe following table describes the prosody assessment...
monotoned (verb) a vocal utterance or series of speech sounds in one unvaried tone.“The Roman empire didn’t simply emerge and rise up over night. It developed out of a collapsing republic and economic turmoil resulting in a series of civil wars,” monotoned the professor as his students...
·Vary your tone of voice so as not to speak in a monotone 8. Consider the Construal Level Theory. According to the Construal Level Theory (CLT), the farther away you are from an object or a person, the more abstract your thinking will be. The closer you are, the more concrete your...
As a reader, I encounter sentences where I begin in monotone mode, and perhaps the next sentence or the one after will reveal that the narrator or speaker was upset or excited or yelling. A lowly '!' would solve that and keep me reading without backtracking. ...
Starting today, we’re introducing two new AI-powered features in PowerPoint Presenter Coach exclusively for Microsoft 365 subscribers—monotone pitch and speech refinement. With monotone pitch, Presenter Coach will listen to your tone of voice and give feedback in real-time to suggest adding some ...
sentence: 46workers: 46option: 46gear: 46equipment: 46sides: 46personally: 46software: 46risk: 46sites: 46clothes: 46agent: 46meet: 46conduct: 46occasionally: 46parkway: 46refer: 46carpender: 46switch: 46biggest: 46entry: 45matters: 45...
Melody is the rise and fall of your voice as you speak. Someone who speaks in monotone has no melody and their voice will probably make them sound boring. How to use melody more effectively You should vary the melody in your voice because if you don’t, you’ll sound flat. When your...
Prosody score: Assesses the use of appropriate intonation, rhythm, and stress. Several more error types related to prosody assessment are introduced, such as Unexpected break, Missing break, and Monotone. These error types provide more detailed information about pronunciation errors compared to the pr...