这一点非常棒~ 002...快速调整字段数值 将鼠标悬停在 Figma 中的某些属性字段上时,会出现一个横向双箭头。只需按下鼠标键 并将箭头从左向右移动,数值就会发生变化。按住shift以增加调整数值的速度。...这适用于任何在将鼠标悬停在其上时显示横向双箭头的字段。 005.复制为PNG而不导出图片 按cmd+ shift+ c(...
One method is to create a layer mask on a layer, and then use the brush tool to paint over the areas that you want to mask or blend with black. Any positive value other than white will allow you to implement a soft mask. The lightest grey will blend the edge of a mask. The ...
To avoid such situations and save yourself a lot of time and nerves, you should always thoroughly plan the whole prototype flow. First, make a blueprint of the prototype on paper (or as a flowchart), then design it in Sketch or Figma, showing all transitions between screens. These screens...
Class 55: Layer Edit Holdout Mask Function (Key)Class 56: playblast_Playback PreviewClass 57:new transform manipulatorClass 58: Cloning Tools and New Surface ConstraintsClass 59: new alemblc layering_alemblc layer editingClass 60: Constraint Usage and UpdatesClarissa practical tips [Eggs]Class 61...