import React from 'react'; import useLocalStorage from '@your-username/use-local-storage'; function App() { // Use the custom hook to manage localStorage and component state const [name, setName, clearName] = useLocalStorage('name', 'Guest'); return ( Hello, {name}! setName(e.targ...
The all new interactive way to master modern React (for fun and profit). useLogger Debug lifecycle events with useLogger. useDocumentTitle Dynamically update the title of a webpage with useDocumentTitle. useIsFirstRender Differentiate between the first and subsequent renders with useIsFirstRender....
importuseLocalStoragefrom'@illinois/react-use-local-storage'constMyComponent=()=>{const[count,setCount]=useLocalStorage('value-key',0)return(<>Count:{count}setCount(count+1)}>IncreasesetCount(0)}>Reset</>)} Trying it out git clone
A flexible React Hook for using Local Storage.. Latest version: 3.0.0, last published: 2 years ago. Start using use-local-storage in your project by running `npm i use-local-storage`. There are 21 other projects in the npm registry using use-local-storag
import{useState,useEffect}from'react'exportinterfaceIFuncUpdater<T>{(previousState?:T):T;}export type StorageStateDefaultValue<T>= T | IFuncUpdater<T>; export type StorageStateResult<T>= [T | undefined, (value: StorageStateDefaultValue<T>) => void]; ...
title: "React Hook: useLocalStorage" description: "How to store state in local storage in React by using a custom useLocalStorage hook ..." date: "2022-04-05T07:52:46+02:00" categories: ["React", "React Hooks"] keywords: ["react uselocalstorage hook", "how to store state in loca...
import React, { useState } from "react"; import { writeStorage } from '@rehooks/local-storage'; export default function Example() { let counter = 0; const [counterValue] = useLocalStorage('counterValue'); return ( {counterValue} writeStorage('i', ++counter)}> Click Me ); }...
同步数据到Localstorge importReact,{useState,useEffect}from'react'import{useCallback}from'react'exportdefaultfunctionuseStorage(key,defaultValue,keepWindowClosed){// key:存储的key// default;默认的值// keepWindowClosed;窗口关闭之后是否继续保存conststorage=keepWindowClosed?window.localStorage:window.sessionStora...
localStorage的基本用法就是Storage.getItem()和 Storage.setItem(),那么我们就可以知道,useLocalStorage返回的值分别是localStorage的value和setValue的方法。 // useLocalStorage.js import { useState } from 'react'; function useLocalStorage(key, initialValue) { // State to store our value // Pass initial ...