通过Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows 中的 NuGet 包管理器 UI,可轻松安装、卸载和更新项目和解决方案中的 NuGet 包。 本文仅适用于 Windows 用户。 如果使用的是 Visual Studio for Mac,请参阅在项目中包括 NuGet 包。 先决条件 使用任意安装 Visual Studio 2022 for Windows。与 NET 相关的工作负荷。
Microsoft Visual Studio project by using theNuGet Package Manager, thePackage Manager Console, or the.NET CLI. This article demonstrates how to create a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) project with the popularNewtonsoft.Jsonpackage. The same process applies to any other .NET or .NET Core ...
Visual Studio 2019 for Mac。 您可以從visualstudio.com免費安裝 2019 Community Edition,或使用 Professional Edition 或 Enterprise Edition。 如果您在Windows上使用Visual Studio,請參閱在Visual Studio (Windows僅) 安裝並使用套件。 建立專案 假設NuGet 套件 支援與專案相同的目標架構,則該套件就可安裝到任何的...
從Visual Studio 中,選取 [工具>NuGet 封裝管理員>封裝管理員 控制台]。 開啟[封裝管理員 控制台] 窗格之後,請確認[預設專案] 下拉式清單會顯示您要安裝套件的專案。 如果您在方案中有單一專案,則會預先選取它。 在主控台提示字元中,輸入 命令Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json。 如需此命令的詳細資訊,請參閱In...
Add local NuGet package icon Dec 19, 2020 samples/BuilderApp Revert code style changes (#244) Sep 19, 2023 src Bump xunit from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 (#313) Oct 4, 2024 .gitignore Initial commit Aug 19, 2017 Directory.Build.props
Step 0 - Verify That Your Third Party NuGet Packages Actually Support SourceLink Before you go through the trouble of configuring Visual Studio to support SourceLink you’ll want to make sure that the third party package you’re trying to debug actually supports it. ...
RegexAnalyzer: This is the main project that builds the analyzer DLL containing the diagnostics and code fix. Building this project also produces a project-local NuGet package (.nupkg file) containing the analyzer. RegexAnalyzer.VSIX: This is the project that bundles your analyzer DLL into a V...
Point Visual Studio at the resulting 'bin' directory In Visual Studio, go to 'Tools' -> 'NuGet Package Manager' -> 'Package Manager Settings' Choose 'Package Sources' Click the '+' button to add a new source Set 'Name' to 'Win2D' (or a name of your choosing) ...
Function Connect-SPFarmToAAD requires NuGet package MSOnlineExt to work, install it with the cmdlet below. PowerShell Install-Module-NameMSOnlineExt Open the SharePoint Management Shell as an administrator and run the following cmdlet to verify that the MySharePointFunctions module is listed. ...
Step 3: OWIN Packages via NuGet Even though OWIN probably didn’t exist back when you wrote your Web Forms app, you can still use it and it will significantly simplify the process. In the Visual Studio menu, selectTools>NuGet Package Manager>Package Manager Console. ...