To liken him to aclothingstore model of a well-built, broad-shouldered man with a firm neck, a handsome, rather square face not lacking in colour and a conventional, drooping moustache would be slanderous; yet he did suggest it. [9] ...
注: 和 didn’t 是构成一般过去时的助动词, did 其特点是要在其后跟动词的原形。 2. The solid righteousness verb general past tense affirmation sentence had to use the verb the past tense, the negative sentence and the interrogative sentence had t[translate]...
You can also simply use 어떻게 (eotteoke)as a single-word sentence among close friends or 어떻게요 (eotteokeyo) when you need to be more formal. In that case, you are simply asking, “How?”. Most likely, asking how something happened or was possible to happen, but with...
That is where clarity comes in. We should liken clarity to the logical side of your words. What you meant to say. You best communicate clarity with simplicity, and simple can come from words and emojis. Depending on the context, a word can be simpler. In another context, an emoji. And...