Feb 05, 20259 mins analysis The biggest ideas in software and technology today Jan 29, 20259 mins analysis State of JavaScript: Highlights of the JavaScript developer survey Jan 22, 202510 mins how-to Intro to Ktor: The server-side stack ...
Main.safe_eval("cpp_function = () -> ()"); // forward declaration // assign C++ lambda to Julia Function Main["cpp_function"] = as_julia_function<void(std::string)>( [](std::string in) -> void { std::cout << "cpp prints: " << in << std::endl; } ); // call lambda...
Intro to Ktor: The server-side stack Jan 15, 20259 mins analysis Why JavaScript’s still on top in 2025 Jan 10, 20253 mins how-to Intro to Ktor: The HTTP server for Kotlin Jan 08, 20259 mins how-to Intro to VSCode.dev: The IDE in your browser ...
LibGit2.jl https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/tree/master/stdlib/LibGit2 Lua luagit2 https://github.com/libgit2/luagit2 .NET libgit2sharp https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp Node.js nodegit https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit Objective-C objective-git https://github.com/...
Bash, JavaScript, Julia, Octave, Perl, Python, R, Raku (Perl 6), Ruby, Rust 類似パッケージに runcode がある longdivision 筆算による割り算の途中式を含めた計算結果を記述することが出来る / 途中で止めることも可能 witharrows align 環境等で下に続く数式の右側に式変形などの説明を付し...
Assuming we move forward with also changing the icon in GitLab, we will need it GitLab SVGs. Which designer makes the most sense to own facilitating the discussions about finalizing the icon design and getting it into GitLab SVGs? 1 Julia Miocene @jmiocene · 7 months ago Developer ...
Error:That port is already in use 运行django项目发现端口被占用了 ,我猜是上次运行时,直接关闭了vscode,但是端口还占用呢? 使用lsof -i:8000查看了占用此端口的进程再杀死。之前还想杀死端口,我真是傻了。黄色框为错误,红色为正确,绿色为正确。 参考:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuepangzi/p/11104329.html....
First of all i am very glad to use dataTables - it is easy to use and nice solution if you have to work with tables in HTML pages. When my table was about 700 rows and 10 cols everything was great! Bu... Efficient way to sum an array of integers in Julia ...
:julia: :isort: :alpine: :azure: :gitsby: :postmark: :twilio: :boomi: :wordpress: :pfsense: :traefik: :meteor: :moodle: :neo4j: :pact: :rstats: :google-apps-script: :firebase: :one-does-not-simply: :thisisfine: :perfection: :sweating: :serverspec: :travisci: :podman: :puppeteer...
Python, Julia, R, Scala and more languages are supported in IPython/Jupyter Notebook which can also be used to give presentations. Refer to math and programming online for cloud-based Jupyter Notebooks.LaTeX BeamerBeamer: Shipped with standard LaTeX installations. A lot of themes has been ...