: by, of, or in itself or oneself or themselves : as such :intrinsically.per se. How do you use semicolons in a sentence? Using Semicolons A semicolon is most commonly used to link (in a single sentence) two independent clauses that are closely related in thought. ... Use a semi...
We all have a tendency to say things like “a lot of examples” or “many experiences” in our essays, but that doesn’t make your essay stand out to your teacher. If you want to make your teacher perk up, be sure to include this word in your essay! An example sentence could be ...
In other words, you need to sortrunnersbydurationand grab the five participants with the lowest duration: Python >>>runners.sort(key=lambdarunner:runner.duration)>>>top_five_runners=runners[:5] You use alambdain thekeyargument to get thedurationattribute from each runner and sortrunnersin plac...
Before you can make a sentence more persuasive, you have to intimately know who you’re talking to in your content and copy. That’s why these words don’t work if you just blindly start using them. You’ll actually combine them with your research about your prospects. Making a sentence ...
(3) of that directive must be interpreted as meaning that, in the context of invalidity proceedings in respect of a mark which is intrinsically devoid of distinctive character, in order to assess whether that mark has acquired a distinctive character through use, it is necessary to examine ...
Nevertheless, a "request" referring to an act of making the hearer perform something desired by the speaker (Searle, 1979) is intrinsically a "face threatening act" (hereafter FTA), in the Brown and Levinson (1987) sense. In other words, issuing a request on the part of the speaker may...
Unless we have a way to put our requirements into words exactly the way we understand them intrinsically, we will not succeed in our goals. To begin with, I define requirements as a clear concise sentence of not more than 10 words specifying the most singular unit of demand. ...
Some of the qualifying conditions were described in language with limited specificity. For instance, many jurisdictions listed “Multiple Sclerosis” as a qualifying condition, but the majority also listed “Severe or Persistent Muscle Spasms”, often in the same sentence. Multiple sclerosis was ...
intrinsically intrigue intoned interwoven intervened intertwined interrupt interrelations interrelation internationally interminable interlaced interiors interferometer intercollegiate interama intently intentionally intensify intensified integer insulting insulated instrumentation institutionalized instincts instability insides ...
Because a person imposes meaning on objects, subjectivist views of the outdoors and mobile devices as objects were considered [23]. People give the outdoors and mobile devices meaning. The object, either the outdoors or the mobile device, does not hold meaning intrinsically. It just is, in ...