second edition of this dictionary on the theme of theorizing. In this waywe also hope to open up a new avenue of research on Weber, and one that ismore practical in nature than much of the existing literature, which often hasexegesis as its main purpose. The emphasis in these new ...
The formulas emphasize strongly the divine origin of the Old Testament, and commonly (at least 56 times) refer to God as the author. In a number of passages God is represented as the speaker when the quotation is not a saying of God recorded as such in the Old Testament, but the word ...
"Lemon" is one of Kajii Motojrou's famous works.The writer's writing style had been established since the "Lemon" published.The first sentence of the work shows that novel's main tone is gray.As a person who received western education and had a passion of western painting,the writer add...
count noun; exegesis; grammar; Holy Scripture; mass noun; Middle Ages; plural; singular1. Introduction Educated by generations of grammarians who state that the term sanguis (blood) is used only in the singular, Church Fathers, exegetes, and commentators were confronted with about twenty ...