What is a good sentence for means? Means sentence example. She means that respectfully, Toni said. It meansI can't kill you, as much as I'd like to! Uncle Henry says 'Eureka' means 'I have found it. What is a example sentence? Simple Sentences A simple sentence has the most basic...
She surprised him so often with her knowledge that he was ready to receive her without astonishment when she burst in upon him one allay with a cry of triumph, "Eureka! [6] I showed no signs of astonishment at this remarkable likeness, treated him however, with immense civility, and begge...
finished. Paper will be uploaded next week to arxiv. In my experiments, I could not observe a major difference between BERT and RoBERTa for sentence embeddings: Sometimes BERT is a little bit better, sometimes RoBERTa. But nothing that is significant. XLNet was so far in general worse than ...
First of all, I consider important to understand the origins and background of any field of study. In this fashion, I understand knowledge as a process acquired by many researches from many scientists along the history. For this reason, study the history of each field of study would bring a...
Em dashes are used in much the same way as commas but indicate a harder break in the sentence. They are the longest dash and generally used sparingly to emphasize an important piece of information or to provide clarity to a long, complicated sentence. For example: ...
Don’t use “etc”, “etcetera”, “etc.”, and “et cetera” in the same paper (remember, the correct one has a period, “etc.“). Pro tip: When you are using “e.g.” and “i.e.”, remember to put a comma before and after the term. An example sentence might be, “Fru...
math that is sometimes necessary to verify whether or not an idea works. (My mind much prefers “eureka solutions” in which the applicability is self-evident, to the point where it will sometimes ignore potentially good but hard solutions in hopes of a eureka lurking around the neuronal ...