Daily PrEP users were asked about whether they had missed more than three doses of PrEP within a week in the past month. Such measurement of adherence was commonly used in published studies [59]. Participants with experience of SDU in the past year who were not on PrEP were briefed with ...
During the first 12 months, the rate of thrombolyses was 2.1% of all stroke patients. Mean age was 68 years, and median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 13. Mean delay between onset and hospital admission was 65 minutes, and door-to-needle time was on average 76 ...
unless such period is extended by the arbitrator. Thereafter, the results of the Initial Test Cases will be given to a mediator, and such mediator and the parties will have 90 days from the mediator’s appointment (the “Mediation Period”) to agree on a resolution or substantive methodology...
unless such period is extended by the arbitrator. Thereafter, the results of the Initial Test Cases will be given to a mediator, and such mediator and the parties will have 90 days from the mediator’s appointment (the “Mediation Period”) to agree on a resolution or substantive methodology...
{ "urlEncoded": { "extended": true }, "json": {} } csrfProtection: Whether to enable Cross-Site Request Forgery protection. Default: [Boolean] true. To exempt certain routes from protection, supply an object as your config with an array of exemptions. Example: [Object] { "exemptions"...
Because breeding occurs only in waterbodies, adult male cane toads spend most of their time during the extended reproductive season close to such sites12. In contrast, females range widely through the habitat matrix between ponds, and may be better-able to exploit novel opportunities offered by ...
extended gradient abutting; alt unity colors Sep 8, 2022 ColorPalettes.cs.meta Multirename multiple windows fix; Sep 17, 2023 Editor.meta Multirename multiple windows fix; Sep 17, 2023 ExtensionMethods.cs PoolManager; Fill Aug 7, 2023
(Greek proverb) The working elephant memorizes a large number of commands given by the mahout [m?haut] 驯象人and recognizes many other animals and people, thus remembering both kindnesses and injuries. Since its life-span is 50 or 60 years these memories are long-lived. usually said of a ...
Our study extended the existing literature by evaluating the pattern of self-efficacy and social norms among Chinese MSM, assessing the association with different types of partners among Chinese MSM, and exploring the interaction between social norms and self-efficacy on consistent condom use. Our ...
You can update extended dictionaries to extend the main dictionary and stopword dictionary. If the dictionary file name and the number of dictionary files remain unchanged, the system does not restart the cluster. Log on to theAlibaba Cloud Elasticsearch console. ...