那有没有其他选项呢?比如 use entire disk,或者Manual 等?如果你不太熟悉Linux系统,可以选择use entire disk,这样也可以进行分区引导的,或者你可以选择Manual进行手动分区。如果都没有的话,那可能是系统识别不到你的硬盘,你可以尝试重启再安装,或者换用别的系统安装试试,比如CentOS系统。楼主如果...
是否加密home文件夹,选择否-No 选择分区方式(分区向导-使用整个磁盘)-这个看您自己本教程选择第一个“Guided - use entire disk 解释 Guided - use entire disk 引导——使用整个磁盘 Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM 引导-使用整个磁盘并设置lvm Guided一use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM ...
>Indeed other partitions are needed and will be detected, but they will not >increment $NUM_NOT_ESP if the disk is GPT and has no BIOS boot partition (so >$DISK_BIOS_BOOT=no), so it might cause a false negative. So why not just >treat MSDOS and GPT disk labels equally and treat...
system prior to the installation: Debian installed on the entire disk or with encrypted LVM on the entire disk doesn't seem to make a difference. Starting with a wiped disk (writing ~ 2 GB worth of zeros at the beginning of the disk) doesn't make a difference either. - It very much ...
A header is written to storage devices to mark them as free to use as LVM components. Devices with these headers are calledphysical volumes. You can display all of the physical devices on your system by usinglvmdiskscanwith the-loption, which will only return physical volumes: ...
(yes/no) [default=yes]: yes Would you like to use an existing block device? (yes/no) [default=no]: yes Path to the existing block device: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0DO_Volume_volume-fra1-01 You have now configured the storage backend for LXD. Continuing with LXD’s init script, you...
Then pressito enterInsertmode, and you can start typing. Another way to launchvi/mis. # vi filename This will open a new buffer (more on buffers later) named filename, which you can later save to disk. Understanding Vi Modes Vieditor has multiple modes, each serving a distinct purpose ...
1 = makes partition the first on the disk Push enter twice to accept the default first cylinder and last cylinder. To prepare the partition to be used by LVM use the following two commands. t = change partition type ...
1 = makes partition the first on the disk Push enter twice to accept the default first cylinder and last cylinder. fdisk01 To prepare the partition to be used by LVM use the following two commands. t = change partition type 8e = changes to LVM partition type ...
Nix has some other great features, such as atomic package actions, instant rollback (and roll-forward) operations, and easy garbage collection to avoid cluttering the disk. This alone makes it worth checking out, but NixOS itself makes for a great distribution even without these special feature...