$arr= ['a'=>'a','b'=>b];dd($arr);// ordump($arr); 🤓 output: ^ array:2 [▼"a"=> "a""b"=> "b"] 🚀 For Laravel Laravelalready have theddfunction in its helpers. Theddfunction from this package is equal to the one in Laravel. ...
{ "name": "laravel-synapse", "lockfileVersion": 3, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "devDependencies": { "vitepress": "^1.2.3" } }, "node_modules/@algolia/autocomplete-core": { "version": "1.9.3", "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@algolia/autocomplete-core/-/au...
Note:The naming convention for creating migrations in Laravel is usuallysnake_case, also known asunderscore_case. The first word is the action, the second word is a plural of the model, and the last word is the feature that gets created inside the project. This means you’ll writecreate_b...
finally got everything in order and grunt serve ran successfully without a 500 error, although my browser only says: Cannot Get / Here's a gist of my gruntfile:https://gist.github.com/anthonygreco/a92333ed5e3ffe4dd1a9any idea what's missing here? Also this is the feedback from grunt:...
React.js + Inertia in Laravel 11: From Scratch 18 lessons 11226 words October 2024 Laravel CMSs Review: Creating a Simple Blog 8 lessons 1 h 16 min October 2024 Design Patterns in Laravel 11 17 lessons 14319 words August 2024 Laravel...
I am new in laravel, can you help me to upload image and generate random names for the image via query bulder? and this mycode thanks before... IT众包Web网站服务案例:江苏保税店 苹果新规要求开发者必须遵守广告识别符规定 Android事件分发机制完全解析 ontouch ...
MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss callback A function that will handle theeventtriggered, despite the fact we have three event types, all of them will have the same object properties (as described bellow), where you can access the offset calculation. ...
Laravel Collection 基本使用 创建集合 为了创建一个集合,可以将一个数组传入集合的构造器中,也可以创建一个空的集合,然后把元素写到集合中。Laravel 有collect()助手,这是最简单的,新建集合的方法。 $collection= collect([1, 2, 3]); 默认情况下, Eloquent 查询的结果返回的内容都是Illuminate\Support\Collection...
laravel redis 使用 redisclient怎么用 AI大梦想家 548 天前 RedisClient 除了使用 redis-cli.exe 可以观察服务器里面的数据外,还可以使用一款 图形化界面的工具,叫做 RedisClient下载运行RedisClient.rar : http://download.how2j.cn/1830/RedisClient.rar 直接下载运行里面的 redisclient-win32.x86.1.5.exe ...
How to use Http pool in Laravel? This is a follow-up question on the earlier discussion: https://laracasts.com/discuss/channels/laravel/how-to-speed-up-this-script-to-verify-90k-ulrs-for-their-http-status-code , which I'm still working on. I've decided to make use of the concurrent...