The basic curl command consists of the command followed by the URL of the server you want to send the request to.# curl https://example.comQ. How can I send data to a server using curl?You can send data to a server using the -d or –data option followed by the data you want ...
Curl Bearer Token Auth Header Curl Send Header Example Curl POST Form Example Curl Basic Auth Example Curl GET JSON Example Curl Ignore Certificate Checks Curl POST Body Example Convert Curl HTTP Request Curl Send Cookies Example Curl PUT Example Curl Download File Example Curl POST...
This tutorial will explain the basics of the cURL command and how to use it to transfer data to or from a server, along with some of its most frequently used options. We’ll also explain the basics of HTTP requests and how to perform them with the cURL command, along with some useful ...
Using cUrl to send requests Since cUrl was initially created for HTTP, you can send all the typical requests, such as POST, PUT, and GET. Sending a POST request Many developers use cUrl to send POST requests. The POST request method requests a web server to accept the data stored in the...
Users can use the “–data-binary” option to specify the POST data as a binary file. For this, the “curl” command is used to send the request along with the binary file “binary.dat”: $ curl -X POST --data-binary @binary.dat ...
We saw an option “CURLOPT_SNI_HOSTNAME”, but it seems it is not officially supported in libcurl. If we use CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO for SNI, how to obtain Cookie? The requirement is that: use libcurl to send HTTP request[...]. ...
<< Back to the Curl SSL Request example What is Curl? Curl(stands for Client URL) is an open-source command-line tool and a cross-platform library (libcurl) developers use for client/server communications. Curl allows you to send data to the server by sending the target URL and the data...
Curl command line. use POST command to request data curl -X POST http://xx.xx.xx.xx:port/rest/xxx -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'fieldname: value' -d'{"yyy" :{"fieldname1" :{"Value" : "999"},"fieldname2" :{"Value" : "777"}}' C++ code to send request to ...
POST/restricted/login.php HTTP/1.1Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedusername=linuxhint&password=password To send the above POST request using cURL, we can specify the commands as: curl-xPOST-d“username=linuxhint&password=password”
The different uses of the curl command are shown using the different URL addresses in this part of the tutorial. Example 1: Send the GET Request to the Server The method of sending a GET request to a server using the “curl” command is shown in this example. ...