insert into city2 values('008','002','江北区'); insert into city2 values('009','002','渝中区'); insert into city2 values('010','002','南岸区'); insert into city2 values('011','002','沙坪坝区'); 2.2 向下递归查询 with RECURSIVE cte as select,cast( as varchar(1...
avoid insertion of duplicate entries in a BULK INSERT statement Bad performance of EXCEPT operator Basic - select with fixed values - invert columns to rows Basic CTE query, get full path of something recursive BCP Error - Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'. BCP Export...
WITH expression_name_1 AS (CTE query definition 1) [, expression_name_X AS (CTE query definition X) , etc ] SELECT expression_A, expression_B, ... FROM expression_name_1 ##Example CTE The following query answers the business question: “what is the average monthly cost per campaign for...
INSERT INTO REGISTRATION VALUES ('C11', '01', '800', '15-DEC-1987'); INSERT INTO REGISTRATION VALUES ('C11', '02', '100', '17-DEC-1987'); INSERT INTO REGISTRATION VALUES ('C11', '02', '150', '17-DEC-1987'); INSERT INTO REGIST...
WITHmoved_rowsAS(DELETEFROMproductsWHERE"date">='2010-10-01'AND"date"<'2010-11-01'RETURNING*)INSERTINTOproducts_logSELECT*FROMmoved_rows; 本例通过WITH中的DELETE语句从products表中删除了一个月的数据,并通过RETURNING子句将删除的数据集赋给moved_rows这一CTE, ...
tk.MustHavePlan("with cte as (select * from t1) select * from cte a, cte b", "CTEFullScan") tk.MustNotHavePlan("with cte as (select /*+ MERGE() */ * from t1) select * from cte a, cte b", "CTEFullScan") tk.MustExec(` create global binding for with cte as (select *...
Learn how to use a common table expression or CTE in SQL, and read how recursive CTEs turn impossible Postgres queries into possible.
摘要:insert into t --进行插入 values(1,'name') ON CONFLICT(id) --如果id这个键存在 do update set --更新以下字段 ; insert into t (a1,b1,c1) select a2,b2,c2 阅读全文 posted @ 2021-12-01 16:56 USEGEAR 阅读(1387) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 Powered...
Below SQL code is easy to read for database programmers which are familiar with Lead() analytic function. Lead() function column returns the next id in a sorted sequence as defined with Order By clause. So in the CTE (Common Table Expression), we have selected id and next id in the nu...
WITH cte AS (SELECT 1 AS DATAs UNION ALL SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT 2 ) SELECT DATAs FROM cte GROUP BY DATAs; If you run that, you will notice you get the same result set in both queries - 1 and 2. Your duplicate 1 is removed. Remove the DISTINCT or GROUP BY and...