Using React hooks like useState makes it easy to manage things like a shopping cart, but that state may only be available one instance at a time. What if we wanted that state to be available between multiple pages? We can take advantage of React's Context API which lets us extend our c...
The React documentation has been warning us for a long time now that context shouldn't be used and that the API is unstable. Well, with the release of React 16.3, we're finally getting a stable context API and what's even better is that it has received a makeover and the dev experie...
Using React hooks like useState makes it easy to manage things like a shopping cart, but that state may only be available one instance at a time. What if we wanted that state to be available between multiple pages? We can take advantage of React's Context API which lets us extend our c...
The React documentation has been warning us for a long time now that context shouldn't be used and that the API is unstable. Well, with the release of React 16.3, we're finally getting a stable context API and what's even better is that it has received a makeover and the dev experie...
React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and one of its most powerful features is the Context API. The Context API allows developers to manage the state of their application without the need for cumbersome prop drilling. This blog post will provide a comprehensive guide...
在最新的 react-redux 源码中,已经使用新的 api,订阅外部数据源,不过不是 useMutableSource 而是 useSyncExternalStore,具体因为 useMutableSource 没有提供内置的 selectorAPI,需要每一次当选择器变化时候重新订阅 store,如果没有 useCallback 等 api 记忆化处理,那么将重新订阅。具体内容请参考 useMutableSource...
Context API is a great feature offered by React, but it can be tricky to get it right. Learn how to efficiently create and consume Context API with the use ofReact Hookswithout performance issues. Starting with a naive implementation, we will iterate over what can be improved and...
或许我可以用一段代码来表示从 react-redux 中 state 改变到视图更新的流程。 conststore = createStore(reducer,initState) functionApp({ selector }){ const[ state , setReduxState ] = React.useState({}) constcontextValue = useMemo(=>{ /* 订阅 store 变化 */ ...
The React Context API, and the useContext hook, allows us to share "global" data between components without passing that data via props. Libraries like React Router and React Redux take advantage of Context under the hood, so let's see how we can use it in our applications as well! The...
contextContext<Value> selectorfunction (value: Value): Selected Examples import{useContextSelector}from'use-context-selector';constfirstName=useContextSelector(PersonContext,(state)=>state.firstName); useContext This hook returns the entire context value. Use this instead of React.useContext for consis...