Education Users may not access or use the Education Offering for commercial or professional purposes, training classes (including but not limited to classes open to the public), facilities management, or other for-profit purposes. Education Offerings may not be used by the facilities department of ...
The WLTC-profiles for the various classes were generated from the tables of the specs above using the :file:`devtools/` script, but it still requires an intermediate manual step involving a spreadsheet to copy the table into ands save them as CSV. Phases (the problem) GTR...
The DotNetHowTo sample uses model classes for theHotel,Address, andRoomdata structures.HotelreferencesAddress, a single level complex type (a multi-part field), andRoom(a collection of multi-part fields). You can use these types to create and load the index, and to structure the response fr...
We split our data on training and test datasets with a classical relationship 70/30 considering the stratification of our classes. The analysis was performed in such a way that neither during the training nor during the hyperparameter tuning the model has seen the test dataset, which served as...
Following dos Reis and Yang68, we used soft-bounded truncated Cauchy distributions for six fossil calibrations (Supplementary Table 1, Supplementary Figs. 6, 7). In addition, based on previous divergence time estimates of the order Diptera70, we set the maximum age of our root at less than ...
For example, while the spectral information of remotely sensed imagery data is effective to extract land cover information such as water area, forest land, and built-up area, it is almost impossible to distinguish some land use classes such as some industrial land, residential land, and ...
irrigation. In addition, the prohibition on farmers drilling random wells will further preserve groundwater. Citizens should also help gather ongoing measurements of the water table and record the number of wells that have dried up. In such areas, the engagement of stakeholders and the government ...
Please use this GitHub repository'sIssue trackerto request new terms/classes or report errors or specific concerns related to the ontology. DUO - users Several projects have now implemented DUO in production pipelines: the Broad Institute’s Data Use Oversight System,DUOS ...
Table 2. Characteristics of products used for comparison. ProductResolutionDateCoverageClassesReference ESA 20 20 m 2016 Africa tree cover area; shrub cover area; grassland; cropland; vegetation aquatic or regularly flooded; lichen and mosses / sparse vegetation; bare areas; built up areas; snow an...
Consequently, this study investigates the migration of all three PFAS classes (PFCAs/PFSAs, PAPs, and FTOH) and assesses the risk to the consumer solely caused by migration from paper based FCMs. Migration tests are performed under realistic high-temperature applications with real food samples as...