Use case diagrams are one of the diagrams in the UML for modeling the dynamic aspects of systems.(Activity diagrams,state diagrams,sequence diagrams,and communication diagrams are four other kinds of diagrams in the UML for modeling the dynamic aspects of system.) Use case diagrams are central t...
UML Use Case Diagrams: Tips and FAQ 来源: Contents: What is a UML Use Case Diagram (UCD), and when should I use it? How do you know who the ac...[UML]UML系列——用例图Use Case 用例图的概念 用例图是描述用例、参与者以及它...
UML Use Case Diagram Posted byAllison Lynch| Part 1: What is a Use Case Diagram? In UML, Use case diagrams are used as a standard notation for modeling real-world objects and systems. A use case is an artifact used in system analysis to identify, define, and organize system requirements...
UML Use case diagrams UML(Unified Modeling Language)即统一建模语言,是OMG(Object Management Group)发表的图标式软件设计语言。 UML的功能:可视化、说明、建造、建文档 UML包括: 用例图(Use case...Use case图 Use cases 首先,Use case是所用系统的规格方式。就是在响应外部Actor触发时,系统所执行的功能。
UML——用例图(Use case diagrams) 目录 什么是用例图? 用例图帮我们做什么? 用例图的基本元素有哪些? 第一次机房收费系统用例图 总结 一、什么是用例图? 定义:用来描述用户的需求,从用户的角度来描述系统的功能,并给出各功能的...
A use case diagram shows the relationships among actors and use cases.An actor is a role of an object or objects outside the system that interacts directly with it in a use case.The actor has class-like properties.A use case is an unit of functionality of the system or a class.One ph...
In UML, use-case diagrams model the behavior of a system and help to capture the requirements of the system. Use-case diagrams describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and actors ...
You can create a UML use case diagram in Visio to summarize how users (or actors) interact with a system, such as a software application. An actor can be a person, an organization, or another system. Use case diagrams show the expected behavior of the system. They don't show the...
1. 用例图(use case diagrams)简述 描述角色和用例之间的关系,着重展示系统必须实现的功能,用于在需求分析阶段分析客户需求。 2. 主要元素 用例(use case),系统为角色提供可见结果的一系列动作(简单理解为角色可见的系统功能),使用椭圆表示。 角色(actor),在与系统的一次或者多次交互中起作用...
UML use case diagrams help clarify requirements, detect problems early on, and simplify a system’s design. Learn how to create one in Lucidchart!