An included use case can include another use case. Refer to Example 3 shown below in this tutorial, where Search doc includes Preview doc, which includes Browse docs. Refer to the diagram of the ‘Online Training Website’ explained below: For joining a course, the user needs to search the...
【用途】:帮助开发团队以一种可视化的方式理解系统的功能需求。 用例图中包含6个元素,分别是执行者(Actor),用例(Use Case),关联关系(Association),包含关系(Include),扩展关系(Extend)以及泛化关系(Generalization)。 角色(Actor):即使用本系统的有哪些角色,不同的角色使用的系统功能部分是不同的,在用例图中用小人...
Alistair Cockburn is a leader in designing use case scenarios; visit his website to get inspired! This is a brief example the process of withdrawing money from an ATM. The outline goes through each of the steps that are likely to occur in the process, including each of the errors that ...
Use Case Diagram Easily visualize your system's functionality with use case diagrams Create Your Use Case PayPalCreditPaymentIdentity<<Service>>ServiceProviderAuthenticationOnline Shopping<<include>><<include>>View ItemsMakePurchaseCheckoutClientRegisterRegisteredCustomerCustomerNewCustomerWeb...
用例图又称用况图,描述系统功能。 通过用例图展示待建系统的上下文范围以及它提供的功能。它描述了谁(或什么)与系统交互,外部世界希望系统做些什么。 用例着眼于为用户增加价值,提供了一种捕获功能需求的系统且直观的方法,可驱动整个开发过程。用例从某个特定参与者的角度用简单易懂的语言说明一个特定的使用场景。
用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、用例(Use Case)和用例间的关系(Relationship)。 一、 参与者 参与者代表的是参与使用系统的一类角色,例如,读者就是图书馆这个系统的参与者。要正确把握参与者,需要注意以下几点: ...
【File】->【New Project】->填写工程名称:Example.eap 2、新建Use Case View用例视图 右击上面新建的Project->选择【New View】->弹出对话框,选择【Use Cse】如下图 单击【OK】,在Model工程下,这样就新建了一个Package。 右击Package【商品提报上架】->选择【Add】->选择【Add Diagram】,如下图所示 ...
Use Case Diagram 1、确定参与者(actor) 1.1用户 使用ATM自动取款机进行现金交易。进行余额查询、设置密码、修改密码、转账等操作。 1.2银行管理员 对用户的需求进行接收,通过与数据库的交互,根据对用户应用服务的响应,更新数据库中用户的信息。 2、参与者(actor)用例图...
Use case diagrams are drawn to capture the functional requirements(功能需求) of a system. The guidelines for drawing a use case diagram 🥖 the use case's name can identify thefunctionalities performed. 🥖 a suitable name for actors.
A use case diagram is a visual representation of the different ways and possible scenarios of using a system. It illustrates how a user will perform actions and interact with a particular system, such as a website or an app. For example, this use case diagram depicts the different functions...