A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram inUML. Use case diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services, and functions that the system needs to perform. In this context, a "system" is something being developed...
[完全免费] 在线UML Use Case Diagram 用例工具 - 教程第2部分 用例描述了用户如何使用系统来实现特定目标。用例图由系统,相关用例和参与者组成,并将这些相互关联起来以便可视化:正在描述什么?(系统)谁正在使用该系统?(参与者)和参与者想要达到什么?(用例),因此,用例有助于确保通过从用户的角度捕获需求来开发正确的...
Want to make a Diagram of your own? Try Lucidchart. It's quick, easy, and completely free. Make a diagram What is a use case diagram in UML? A use case collects scenarios. By writing out the main parts of your process, including alternative paths, you’ll have a clearer outlook on ...
使用Visual Studio 2010可以在项目中添加架构图,项目可以是ASP.NET、Windows Forms、...,也可以创建单独的Modeling Projects。 可以通过下图方式在项目中添加架构图(菜单栏===>Tools===>New Diagram): 在下面窗口中选择架构图的类型 用例图的工具说明: 1、Actor,参与者/角色,系统的理想用户,通过向系统输入或请求...
可以通过下图方式在项目中添加架构图(菜单栏===>Tools===>New Diagram): 在下面窗口中选择架构图的类型 用例图的工具说明: 1、Actor,参与者/角色,系统的理想用户,通过向系统输入或请求系统输入某些事件来触发系统的执行。包括: (1)系统用户 (2)其它系统,如:购物网站使用支付宝在线支付,支付完成后再跳转到购物...
Create Use Case Diagram for describing the behavior of the target system from an external point of view. Besides drawing the diagram, Visual Paradigm allows you to detail document the requirements through the Use Case Description.
Create a professional diagram for nearly any use case using our UML diagram tool. 4 minute read Do you want to create your own UML diagram? Try Lucidchart. It's fast, easy, and totally free. Create a UML Diagram What is a use case diagram? In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a...
Collaboration Tools Deployment Guides Developer Guides Version MagicDraw 19.0 LTR 19.0 LTR Version News News for Developers User Guide MagicDraw getting started Working with projects Diagrams UML diagrams Architectural views Class diagram Object diagram ...
5. Name a few UML diagram tools. Some popular UML tools are – Lucid Chart,EdrawMax, Moqups, Visual Paradigm, Sketchboard, Gliffy, Creately, and SmartDraw. Conclusion The UML Use Case diagrams capture the dynamic nature of the system. They present all the users of the system and all the...
A use case describes how a user uses a system to accomplish a particular goal. A use case diagram consists of the system, the related use cases and actors and relates these to each other to visualize: what is being described? (system), who is using the system? (actors) and what do ...