在UML图中,我们用一个小人表示参与者。 2) 用例(Use Case)# 用例表明系统能做什么事情,是外部可见的(参与者可以感受到的)系统服务或功能单元。 用椭圆表示用例。 用例中的文字描述一般是动宾结构(动词+名词) 3)系统边界(System Boundary)# 指系统与系统之间的界限,只框住了用例,没有框住执行者的方框叫系统...
用例模型基本组成部件是Use Case(用例)、Actor(参与者)和System Boundary(系统边界)。用例模型可以由若干用例图组成。 A.2、Use Case Diagram(用例图) 用例模型由用例图构成。用例图中显示用例、参与者和用例之间的关系。用例图在宏观上给出模型的总体轮廓,而用例真正实现细节则以文本的方式书写。用例图所表示的...
用例图示例:使用系统边界表示多个项目 / Using System Boundary to model Multiple Projects in Use Case Diagram 什么是用例图? 用例是一种捕获系统功能需求的技术。用例描述了一个独立于实现细节的期望行为。用例的目标是捕获用户设想的所有系统级功能。从用户的角度来看,用例是关于系统应该做什么的。用例捕获系统利益...
A system boundary is a rectangle that you can draw in a use-case diagram to separate the use cases that are internal to a system from the actors that are external to the system. A system boundary is an optional visual aid in the diagram; it does not add semantic value to the model....
The system boundary is potentially the entire system as defined in the requirements document. For large and complex systems, each modules may be the system boundary. For example, for an ERP system for an organization, each of the modules such as personal, payroll, accounting, etc. can form ...
The entire system can span all of these modules depicting the overall system boundary Structuring Use Case Diagram with Relationships Use cases share different kinds of relationships. Defining the relationship between two use cases is the decision of the software analysts of the use case diagram. A...
The SpecialOrder and NormalOrder use cases are extended fromOrderuse case. Hence, they have extended relationship. Another important point is to identify the system boundary, which is shown in the picture. The actor Customer lies outside the system as it is an external user of the system. ...
Edit this Diagram Use Case Diagram: Online Examination System Edit this Diagram Use Case Diagram Example: Passenger Service Edit this Diagram Use Case Diagram Example: Software Development Edit this Diagram Use Case Diagram Example: Carpark System Edit this Diagram UML Use Case Diagram: Order Process...
Apply the “Is Like” Rule to Use Case Generalization Place an Inheriting Use Case Below The Base Use Case Apply the “Is Like” Rule to Actor Inheritance Place an Inheriting Actor Below the Parent Actor 4. System Boundary Boxes The rectangle around the use cases is called the system boun...
用例模型是从应用领域(Application domain)的角度,面向用户的一种模型,旨在描述用户眼中(而非程序员眼中)此系统的功能行为。以下是一张用例图,先有一个大致的印象: 一个售票系统的用例图 用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、...