We came up with an algorithm which scans a use case model and tries to build up a database of all use case elements like actors and use cases and their interrelation which is not easy to derive from normal use case text. A tool Use Case Diagram Generator (UCDG) was developed to ...
We came up with an algorithm which scans a use case model and tries to build up a database of all use case elements like actors and use cases and their interrelation which is not easy to derive from normal use case text. A tool Use Case Diagram Generator (UCDG) was developed to ...
用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、用例(Use Case)和用例间的关系(Relationship)。 一、 参与者 参与者代表的是参与使用系统的一类角色,例如,读者就是图书馆这个系统的参与者。要正确把握参与者,需要注意以下几点: 1. 参与...
【用途】:帮助开发团队以一种可视化的方式理解系统的功能需求。 用例图中包含6个元素,分别是执行者(Actor),用例(Use Case),关联关系(Association),包含关系(Include),扩展关系(Extend)以及泛化关系(Generalization)。 角色(Actor):即使用本系统的有哪些角色,不同的角色使用的系统功能部分是不同的,在用例图中用小人...
It is a directed relationship from the extending to the extended use case. The extended use case is independent and complete on its own and is the owner of the extended relationship. The extended use case has no relevance independently, and it just adds value to the extended use case. ...
用例图又称用况图,描述系统功能。 通过用例图展示待建系统的上下文范围以及它提供的功能。它描述了谁(或什么)与系统交互,外部世界希望系统做些什么。 用例着眼于为用户增加价值,提供了一种捕获功能需求的系统且直观的方法,可驱动整个开发过程。用例从某个特定参与者的角度用简单易懂的语言说明一个特定的使用场景。
用例图(Use Case Diagram)是被称为参与者(Actor)的外部用户所能观察到的系统功能的模型图 列出系统中的用例和参与者 显示哪个参与者参与了哪个用例的执行 核心概念 用例:系统中的一个功能单元,可以被描述为参与者与系统之间的一次交互作用 参与者、参与者泛化 ...
They provide a good high level analysis from outside the system. Use case diagrams specify how the system interacts with actors without worrying about the details of how that functionality is implemented. Back to top Basic Use Case Diagram Symbols and Notations ...
With attractive color schemes, text that’s easy to read and edit, and a wide-ranging UML shape library, you’re ready to go! Click to try out this template on your own. Chainsaw use case diagram example Consider this example: A man with a chainsaw interacts with the environment around...
UML基础:用例图Use Case Diagram(1) 1. 用例图概述 用例图(Use Case Diagram):描述“用户、需求、系统功能单元”之间的关系,是参与者所能观察和使用到的系统功能模型图。 用例用于软件开发过程中的需求分析阶段。 确立系统边界分内外: (1)外,找参与者,不需要开发,但需考虑建立接口,让系统内外可以通过接口传递...