UML建模——用例图(Use Case Diagram) 用例图主要用来描述角色以及角色与用例之间的连接关系。说明的是谁要使用系统,以及他们使用该系统可以做些什么。一个用例图包含了多个模型元素,如系统、参与者和用例,并且显示这些元素之间的各种关系,如泛化、关联和依赖。它展示了一个外部用户能够观察到的系统功能模型图。 【用...
【用途】:帮助开发团队以一种可视化的方式理解系统的功能需求。 用例图中包含6个元素,分别是执行者(Actor),用例(Use Case),关联关系(Association),包含关系(Include),扩展关系(Extend)以及泛化关系(Generalization)。 角色(Actor):即使用本系统的有哪些角色,不同的角色使用的系统功能部分是不同的,在用例图中用小人...
面向对象分析(Object-Oriented Analysis, OOA)中的用例图(Use Case Diagram)是一种强大的可视化工具,用于描绘系统、用户(或其他系统)以及它们之间的交互。用例图关注于系统外部的参与者(Actors)和系统内部的功能(Use Cases),从而帮助分析人员理解系统需要提供什么功能给它的用户。以下是用例图的关键组成部分和概念: 参...
[完全免费] 在线UML Use Case Diagram 用例工具 - 教程第2部分 用例描述了用户如何使用系统来实现特定目标。用例图由系统,相关用例和参与者组成,并将这些相互关联起来以便可视化:正在描述什么?(系统)谁正在使用该系统?(参与者)和参与者想要达到什么?(用例),因此,用例有助于确保通过从用户的角度捕获需求来开发正确的...
si=JaStsHNOKQxaOgTA2. UML is a very complex framework and each type of diagram serves a particular purpose. In a use case diagram, you only want to present really high level processes, and not show the details. For example, listing the possible currencies of the account is completely out...
Part 3: Use Case Diagram Components Actors Actors are the external users that interact with a system. An actor is a person, an organization, or an external system that interacts with the application being analyzed. The general guidelines for identifying the actors are: ...
Use case diagram is used differently to make it suitable for reverse engineering.In forward engineering, use case diagrams are used to make test cases and in reverse engineering use cases are used to prepare the requirement details from the existing application.Use case diagrams can be used for ...
2、新建Use Case View用例视图 右击上面新建的Project->选择【New View】->弹出对话框,选择【Use Cse】如下图 单击【OK】,在Model工程下,这样就新建了一个Package。 右击Package【商品提报上架】->选择【Add】->选择【Add Diagram】,如下图所示 弹出如下对话框:选择【UML Behavioral】->Use Case,单击【OK】 ...
Alternative path (or flow): A variation of the main success scenario, these usually show what happens when there’s an error or unexpected event in a use case. Use Case Examples Example 1: Quiz Instant Feedback Description: An educational technology company wants to develop a feature that all...
You can create a UML use case diagram in Visio to summarize how users (oractors) interact with a system, such as a software application. An actor can be a person, an organization, or another system. Use case diagrams show the expected behavior of the system. They don't show the order...