阿售票机( TVM公司)免去机票的乘客在火车站。乘客使用的前面板,指定他们的登机地点和目的地,详细的旅客(人数的成年人和儿童)和日期的旅行。机器显示的车费要求的票证。乘客现金存款然后在本规定,并按下“接受现金。 “这台机器的现金支票,如果是更平衡的现金支付。和票证印刷要求。该系统还采用的...
USE-CASEDIAGRAMEXERCISE 1. Draw ausecasediagramfor an ATM machine with the following functionality. A customer’s interaction with thesysteminvolves logging in‚ making withdrawal requests‚ deposit requests‚ and balance inquiry requests. If the customer logs in‚ there is a possibility (altho...
用例模型是从应用领域(Application domain)的角度,面向用户的一种模型,旨在描述用户眼中(而非程序员眼中)此系统的功能行为。以下是一张用例图,先有一个大致的印象: 一个售票系统的用例图 用例图体现了该系统能够为参与者提供的种种功能以及这些功能之间的联系。要画好一张用例图,需要把握三个元素:参与者(Actor)、...
A use case diagram consists of the system, the related use cases and actors and relates these to each other to visualize: what is being described? (system), who is using the system? (actors) and what do the actors want to achieve? (use cases), thus, use cases help ensure that the ...
Services UML Diagram. ATM system. This sample was created in ConceptDraw DIAGRAM diagramming and vector drawing software using the UML Use Case Diagram library of the Rapid UML Solution from the Software Development area of ConceptDraw Solution Park. This sample shows the scheme of the servicing ...
UML建模——用例图(Use Case Diagram) 原文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/lcword/p/10472040.html 用例图主要用来描述角色以及角色与用例之间的连接关系。说明的是谁要使用系统,以及他们使用该系统可以做些什么。一个用例图包含了多个模型元素,如系统、参与者和用例,并且显示这些元素之间的各种关系,如泛化、关联和...
1 在下面的用例图(UseCase Diagram)中,X1、X2和X3表示 (38) ,已知UC3是抽象用例,那么X1可通过 (39) 用例与系统进行交互。并且,用例 (40) 是UC4的可选部分,用例 (41) 是UC4的必须部分。(38)是() A.人 B.系统 C.参与者 D.外部软件 2 在下面的用例图(UseCase Diagram)中,X1、X2和X3表示 (...
A UML use case diagram is the primary form of system/software requirements for a new software program underdeveloped. Use cases specify the expected behavior (what), and not the exact method of making it happen (how). Use cases once specified can be denoted both textual and visual ...
Used to get an outside view of a system. Identify the external and internal factors influencing the system. Show the interaction among the requirements are actors.How to Draw a Use Case Diagram?Use case diagrams are considered for high level requirement analysis of a system. When the requiremen...
2) 用例(Use Case)# 用例表明系统能做什么事情,是外部可见的(参与者可以感受到的)系统服务或功能单元。 用椭圆表示用例。 用例中的文字描述一般是动宾结构(动词+名词) 3)系统边界(System Boundary)# 指系统与系统之间的界限,只框住了用例,没有框住执行者的方框叫系统边界,框的上部注明本系的名字。把系统边界...