It has a poetic quality and a unique narrative perspective. Here are some editorial suggestions to enhance your short story: 1. Clarify the setting: Begin with a bit more description of the setting. Is this a coastal town? What does the park look like? Where does the story take place?
E.g., Total PPI users for age variable = a. Number of PPI users younger than 40 years = b. Percentage of PPI users younger than 40 years = (b/a) × 100. Results Description of included studies The process for identifying the included studies is shown in Fig. 1. ...
Table 1. Symbols used in the vi command description SymbolIndicates the ... Ctrl-L followed by a single letter Control character that is transmitted by holding down the Ctrl key and the letter key at the same time. BACKSPACE The real backspace key. This might differ from the Ctrl-H key...
3.1. Within-case analysis of programme A Social context as a source for learning The facilitators opened each meeting with a check-in activity (i.e. a mindfulness activity) and closed the meeting with a check-out activity (i.e. an evaluation question). Facilitators explained the intentions, ...
According to Rolão's description, Theodoxus fluviatilis is the most common gastropod species at Cabeço da Amoreira with c. 1600 specimens, followed by Trivia europaea and Nassarius reticulatus, with c. 300 and c. 100 specimens, respectively. No technological or taphonomic information has been...
HCQ and AZM can suppress SARS-CoV-2 proliferation in vitro and may slow the cell-to-cell spread of the virus; a large case series evaluating this combination in early-stage patients reported an impressively low mortality rate. However, whereas HCQ and AZM can promote QT interval lengthening ...
While readingReport on Psychological Warfare in the Southwest Pacific Area 1944-1945I found a mention of the above song. There is a description of the American propaganda radio broadcast to the Philippines on 24 September 1944. I will just mention a few of the features: ...
description: draft: false --- <!-- * Always start with a sentence to synchronize the background and context * What you can learn from this article * Comment-style writing quotes some big shots * More interesting jump links * Recommend some interesting links at the end of the article *...
(2004). ‘Undercultivation’ and intensification in the Transkei: A case study of historical changes in the use of arable land in Nompa, Shixini. Development Southern Africa, 21(1), 687–706. Google Scholar Antrop, M. (1997). The concept of traditional landscapes as a base for ...
Ultrasound is a very useful tool in both diagnostic and interventional procedures in sports events. Ultrasound can provide a quick evaluation of a particular area affected during a sports injury which would then help the sports physician decide on what t