I had a bunch of ATmega 16A and ATtiny 85 microcontrollers lying around and I was trying to find a way to program them using Arduino code. There are two main reasons, why I wanted to use Arduino code. The first reason was to use the many built-in functions likedigitalWrite,digitalReadetc...
This is an Arduino Sketch that will run on Arduino Uno/Esp32/Raspberri Pi //New feature! Overclocking WS2812//#define FASTLED_OVERCLOCK 1.2 // 20% overclock ~ 960 khz.#include<FastLED.h>#defineNUM_LEDS60#defineDATA_PIN6CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS];voidsetup() { FastLED.addLeds<NEOPIXEL, DATA_PI...
Arduino uno Magnetic Contact Switch - Door Sensor Buzzer Breadboard and some cables Step 2: The Circuit The connections are pretty easy, see the above image with the breadboard circuit schematic. Step 3: The Code Here's the code, embedded using Codebender! Try downloading the Codebender plugin ...
1V0 (Pronounced "Ivo".) Presented is a new programming language/virtual machine for ATTiny85, Arduino UNO/MEGA2560/DUE, ESP8266, Java MIDP 1.0/2.0 (CLDC 1.1) enabled phones, of assembler-like nature and operating on floating point (or fixed point) numb
You can program it either through the USB as you did above or by using something like an Arduino UNO as an ISP as described inthis video. If you want to change the bootloader (or if you get a stock ATtiny85 that doesn’t have the boot loader we installed on the ones in the kit)...