aThe expected length of the assignment should be 8 pages maximum, including any appendices in 12-point Times New Roman font, and single spacing between lines. Use APA referencing. 任务的期望的长度在12点Times New Roman字体应该是8页最大值,包括所有附录和唯一间距在线之间。 使用APA参考。[translate]...
This means that references in APA 7 do NOT use the phrase “et al.”In-text citation format with et al.The phrase “et al.” is used with in-text citations (including APA parenthetical citations) only when referencing a source that has three or more authors. Include the name of only ...
For more help creating Harvard-style citations that use “et al.”, try the EasyBibHarvard referencing generator! What is “et al.” and what does it mean? “Et al.” is a Latin term and the short form of “et alia”, which literally means ”and others”. It is used in aca...
It would be a lie to say that this source is perfect. It supports only APA6th, APA7th, and Harvard. Yet, those are used in the majority of dissertations. The main perk of ReciteWorks is that using it, you can forget about manually searching for citations with typos or checking all so...
Another participant wanted to “detox” from smoking, referencing past experiences with recovery from heroin use to illustrate the relative difficulty of quitting smoking. “Deb” was a female participant in her early 40s and a single parent, as her ex-partner was deported out of the country...
for the referencing categories of wetland not changed to impervious surface, upland not changed to open water, and drier vegetated wetland not changed to open water, we also randomly selected 200 samples for each category. In total, 1200 random samples were selected and loaded into Google Earth....
self-completion questionnaire. The survey involved 31 questions which were tailored to athletes who self-identified as either elite or amateur and based on answers to previous questions. Questions were partly based on earlier published questionnaires referencing Wardenaar et al. 2017 [16] and Vento ...
Finally, the road network data in New York State were derived from the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) dataset containing primary and secondary roads available from the US Census Bureau. Spatial resolutions of raster data are summarized in Table 2. SSURGO soil ...
(i.e., patch density (PD), largest patch index (LPI), mean shape index (SHAPE_MN), and patch cohesion index (COHESION)) and two landscape-level metrics (i.e., contagion index (CONTAG) and Shannon’s Evenness Index (SHEI)) by referencing earlier work reported in many studies [42,43...
The quite popular, simple but imperfect method of referencing NMR spectra to residual 1H and 13C signals of TMS-free deuterated organic solvents (referred to as Method A) is critically discussed for six commonly used NMR solvents with respect to their δH and δC values that exist in the li...