使用如下API请求来查询USDT余额: 在上述API请求中,contractaddress是USDT合约地址,address是对方的钱包地址,apikey是您的API密钥。发送请求后,您将得到一个包含USDT余额的JSON响应。 USDT(泰达币) USDT(泰达币)是目前市值排名第一的稳定币,由Tether公司推出,基于美元(USD)稳定价值的代币。1 USDT等于1美元,用户可以随时...
asyncio.run(monitor_bnb_received(contract_address)) 通过设置await asyncio.sleep(10),增加了每个请求之间的间隔时间。这将减少达到节点请求限制的可能性。 如果你需要处理大量区块,考虑将区块的查询分批次进行,并在每批次之间添加延迟。 async def monitor_bnb_received(contract_address, batch_size=10): latest_b...
Ensure that you use the correct address to avoid losing your funds. Convert BNB to USDT: Once your BNB is in your exchange wallet, navigate to the trading section and select the BNB to USDT trading pair. Enter the amount of BNB you wish to convert and place your order. Withdraw USDT: ...
Ensure that you use the correct address to avoid losing your funds. Convert BNB to USDT: Once your BNB is in your exchange wallet, navigate to the trading section and select the BNB to USDT trading pair. Enter the amount of BNB you wish to convert and place your order. Withdraw USDT: ...
contract.address } // get the LPToken addresses @@ -155,6 +159,10 @@ export default async (): Promise<OmniGraphHardhat<StakingNodeConfig, never>> => config: { owner: getSafeAddress(EndpointId.BSC_V2_MAINNET), pools: [ { ...bscPool, token: lpTokenAddresses[EndpointId.BSC_V2_...
async function retreiveBNBBal(web3, address) { const BSCContractAddress = '0xB8c77482e45F1F44dE1745F52C74426C631bDD52'; const BSCAbi = [{ "constant": true, "inputs": [], "name": "name", "outputs": [{ "name": "", "type": "string" ...
contract USDT_Tron is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 internal _totalSupply; mapping(address => uint256) internal _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) private _allowances; event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); ...
近日,USDT发行方Tether公司发表声明称其系统于本月19日遭到外部攻击者入侵,并从其Tether Treasury钱包中...
用加密货币购买 eBay 礼品卡。在 eBay 用 Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay或其他加密货币付款。即时电子邮件交付。 🇨🇦 这个礼品卡只对目前在Canada的用户有效 输入金额 C$ C$20 C$40 C$60 C$80 C$100 C$120 C$140 C$160 C$180 C$200 添加到购物车 作为礼物购买无需账户 电子邮件...
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; import "IERC20.sol"; import "SafeMath.sol"; contract USDT_Ethereum is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 internal _totalSupply; mapping(address => uint256) internal _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) private _allowance...