Veterinary Service Permit The Veterinary Service (VS) Permit, issued by the Veterinary Services branch of APHIS, specifies the conditions under which animals, animal products, or products with animal-origin ingredients may be imported into the United States. Often to the surprise of importers, a la...
美国农业部(UnitedStatesDepartmentofAgriculture,简称USDA):是联邦政府内阁13个部之一,是重要的经济管理部门。美国农业部是按照法律设置的,机构稳定,职能明确。美国农业部的职能,可以用一句话来概括,那就是%26ldquo;从田间到餐桌%26rdquo;。 美国农业部的职能 美国政府在对农业进行宏观调控、提高农业劳动生产率、改善资...
Voluntary Report - Public distribution Date: 3/11/2009 GAIN Report Number: CH9019 CH9017 China, Peoples Republic of FAIRS Subject Report Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China 2009 Approved by: William Westman AgBeijing Prepared by: Mark Petry and Wu Bugang Report Highlights: On ...
The OIE develops and establishes the health standards for the safe trade of animals and animal products and makes recommendations for the overall well-being of animals.Michael J. DavidProceedings one hundred and nineteenth Annual Meeting of the United States Animal Health Association...
Animal veterinary hospital in Avon, CT serving Canton and West Hartford communities with veterinary services such as: pet dental, dog/cat grooming, and emergency surgery for your pet near Avon.
Data requested from USDA–APHIS Veterinary Services Area Offices on foreign animal disease investigations and state diagnostic lab submissions between June 1 and December 31, 2012.G. StevensB. McCluskeyA. KingE. O...
Surveillance and Data Standards for USDA/APHIS/Veterinary Services, Version 1.0. USDA:APHIS:VS:CEAH, National Surveillance Unit, Fort Collins, CO Available from: http:// (cited December 1, 2006).USDA , 2006 . Surveillance and Data Standards for ...
The tick stops here: Identifying ectoparasites of interest to USDA APHIS Veterinary ServicesJames, W. Mertins