Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimated 94.1 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2023, up 6% from last year, according to the Acreage report released today. Soybean area planted is estimated at 83.5 million a...
Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimated 92.0 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2020, up 3% from last year, according to the Acreage report released today. Soybean area planted is estimated at 83.8 million a...
The article offers information on the report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that states that the farmers plan to plant 85 million acres of corn this year which is down 1% from last year and off 9% from the record acreage planted in 2007. It also stated that corn stocks were ...
“I know hay acreage typically isn’t the sexiest topic to highlight in the annual acreage report, but it is important. As land expansion in the U.S. has largely hit its limit, in direct contrast to expansion trends currently underway in Brazil, Ukraine (well, until this past year anyway...
According to USDA, farmers made a big cut to their intended soybean acreage. USDA Jun acreage report shows farmers planted 83.5 million acres of soybeans, a large reduction from the the 87.51-million-acre intention in March. This year’s planted acreage for soybeans is 5% below...
Today, about 95 percent of our corn acreage is planted to hybrid corn. Growers produce at least 20 percent more corn on 25 percent fewer acres than in 1930. 1902 ‘Sea Island,’ first wilt-resistant cotton. 1910 ‘Bluecrop’ highbush blueberry, the most widely planted blueberry cultivar...
The topics discussed include larger planted area indicated in USDA June Acreage report, impact of increased domestic mill capacity on its use, and the impact of uncertain government policies on cotton use in textile. Also discussed are USDA projections for several other crops including corn, rice,...
WASHINGTON — USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will publish information in the Nov. 8 Crop Production report that was originally scheduled for release in the October report. This includes: Potential updated planted and harvested acreage for dry edible beans, canola, corn, sorgh...
USDA's 2004 crop projections estimate total corn acreage in the U.S..at 79 million acres and soybeans at 75.4 million.Those levels,published in USDA's annual Prospective Plantings report released March 31,represent a 3 percent increase for soybeans and a fractional increase for corn from 2003...
USDA’s July WASDE and Crop Production reports will be issued today. June 1 stocks point to larger wheat and corn old-crop stocks. The June Acreage report points to lower corn production. The market looks for corn 2020/21 stocks to be lowered to 2,693 million bushels versus 3,323 in Ju...