第一类植物新品种由美国农业部植物品种保护办公室负责审查,后两类由美国专利商标局负责审查。 1.机构 美国农业部植物品种保护办公室 美国农业部(U.S. Department of Agriculture,USDA)下设的植物品种保护办公室(Plant Variety Protection Office,PVPO)负责对有性繁殖、块茎繁殖和无性繁殖植物新品种进行审查,并向育种...
USDA APHIS invites stakeholders to submit project suggestions for fiscal year (FY) 2022 Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721) funding. In total, APHIS wi... USDA seeks public input on impact statement for deregulation of maize developed using genetic engineering Date:Apr. 29, 2021 USDA ...
In recent years, MARA has adopted measures to improve variety registration management and strengthen intellectual property protection as a push to diversify the varieties registered as many current registrations are for similar varieties of the same crop. In 2022, the number of nationally registered var...
Developed an African swine fever virus experimental vaccine that confers protection against a virulent virus challenge. 2019 Developed a self-propelled apple-harvest and in-field-sorting prototype machine. New Discoveries ARS researchers have used the desert shrub plant, guayule, to develop more environm...
Yavarietypearsmaybeimported intotheUnitedStatesfromChinaonly inaccordancewiththissectionandall otherapplicableprovisionsofthissub- part. (a)Growingandharvestconditions.(1) Thepearsmusthavebeengrownby growersregisteredwiththenational plantprotectionorganization(NPPO) ofChinainanAPHIS-approvedexport growingareainthe...
” This placed birds not bred for research purposes under the protection of the AWA, which includes various standards related to the humane handling, care, treatment and transportation of certain animals. At the time, however, the USDA did not establish regulatory standards specific to birds, ...
USDA/APHIS announces new plant biotechnology regulations,New plant biotechnology regulations announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant
animal care and veterinary services programs, but we also have some employees deploying from our biotechnology regulatory services, emergency, regulatory and compliance services, international services, marketing and regulatory programs business services, and plant protection and quarantine programs,” says ...
“BASF notified the USDA immediately after becoming aware of the laboratory findings, and we continue to work cooperatively with USDA on this situation,” said Andy Lee, director of U.S. Business Operations, Crop Protection Products, for BASF. “BASF is steadfastly working to advance a clear an...